"Oh my gosh I'm not dreaming." I said as I started to pace

"I don't know who could've told you that." Caiden said sarcastically

I stopped pacing and looked up at him.

"You have jokes? FUCKING JOKES? You fucking died and my parents went to your funeral. WHY IN THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU IN FRONT OF ME NOW?" I yelled

"Okay you can relax ma'am. We both know I died. Out of the both of us, I think I would know more about that than you would. Also, I already explained my whereabouts." He said in a bored tone.

"For a spirit, you're kind of a spitfire." I said still skeptical about this whole thing.

"We all are except those 1800 mother fuckers. Like they hog ouija board callings. Rude bitches us new school ghosts are tryna spook bitches too." He vented

"Oh wow such a struggle." I said rolling my eyes.

"It really is. It was hard enough getting here to you."

"Seriously? Why did you come to me instead of I don't know your cousin?!" I asked getting loud again.

It's kind of a habit I have while I'm scared.

"Jokes on you because I did."

I just stared at him and he returned the favor.

"I can see why he went on and on about you for hours." He said more to himself than out loud.

"He talks about me?" I ask in disbelief. "Last time I checked, he wanted nothing to do with me when we were at the mall. And I'm pretty sure his Aunt is forcing him to apologize to me." I replied.

"He acts like that when he is afraid of the outcome. Andrew has always been in control of most things but when he saw you he couldn't control anything. Especially his mouth." He explained

"That still doesn't make excuses for anything. He called me sensitive when he doesn't realize how confused and even hurt I am. I'd like for him to develop feelings for such a complexed person in a short amount of time just to have that ripped up in front of you because everything you though you knew never ducking existed. I'm trying to get back into my life and frankly it doesn't even feel like it's mine." I ranted as tears started to flow from my eyes.

I absolutely had no intention of crying but my tear ducts had other plans for me.

"Cassandra I think out of all people I know how you feel. I wish we could all go back in time and I would've never been on my phone. But everything happens for a reason. God decided it wasn't in my play book to be amongst the humans on earth but to be an angel and watch from above. Trust me Cassandra, it will get better over time." He said to me.

I sniffled as a response. I was honestly so confused about everything and I just need a second to fully process everything.

"You're really here in front of me?" I ask and Caiden looked at me and scowled.

"Bro we were doing so good. You didn't even ask to touch me or anything you just skipped straight to the venting part. They said that doesn't happen until later. Wait until I tell them-"

"Caiden. Please I'm trying to understand. I need to understand."

"Okay right sorry." He said as he repositioned himself.

"The accident actually happened. You and I collided and I died from the impact while you were in a coma for about 5-6 months. Your birthday happened while you were in the coma so right now, you're 17 years of age. Can I skip all this and tell you the things that you really want to know?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." I hurriedly said

He knew exactly what I wanted to know and he was taking his lovely time getting to it.

"None of them know about you. Everything was just a dream and you had never seen them before. Those unrealistic scenarios that you went through were produced by me. I knew you would be great for my brother when I saw you for the first time. At the accident. I saw you fighting to stay awake with your parents until the ambulance came and I knew Andrew needed a strong being in his life since I was no longer going to be there."

He stopped.

"Cassandra did you get all that?" He asked with a tone of concern in his voice.

My eye started to twitch.

"Cassandra are you oka-"

"Are you fucking kidding me? It was you that orchestrated everything? I went through all that so you can play match maker for your cousin?!" I yelled.

"Well when you put it like that, it sounds bad."

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