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Within no time, you had entirely blocked out your surroundings. Luke’s enormous body flying back and forward on the tiny swing set was being ignored by your mind and the twirps of birds in nearby trees and rustling of bushes against one another in the wind was absent from your thoughts. The text in front of you had you entranced. It was a critical scene. The main characters were in love, you knew it. But, oh God, the dramatic irony. Neither of them knew it themselves. And here they were, the two of them, about to do the do. And they probably still won’t realise. The boy was pushing her softly over to the bed, their fingers intertwined

“and her heart beating a mile a minute. There was nothing that he could think about except for getting her clothes off. Are you reading a sex scene?”

Your mind snapped into reality at the question. A broad figure had somehow slumped down right next to you on the seat, his shoulders almost touching your own, without you realising. With his eyes focused on the open white pages in your hand, he’d begun reading the text out loud and you must’ve passed it off as you reading it in your own head.


Earlier, it had been somebody’s niece’s, uncle’s, step-brother’s, grandmother’s birthday, and despite the array of coloured balloons floated up to the roof, strewn streamers dangling from lights and booming laughter bouncing off walls, you and Luke had sat still and emotionless.  Swarms of adults buzzed and flew around the two of you, some sitting down on nearby seats because their legs couldn’t carry them any further, and others scattering between bodies to reach and engulf someone they hadn’t seen in months. But you were both idle icebergs in the raging sea.

Luke, sitting opposite you at the table, lifted his head in a snap movement, gaining your attention.
“Wanna go?” he’d asked loudly above the noisy room, tilting his neck quickly to the side and raising his eyebrows so they pointed towards the front door of the house. 

“Thought you’d never ask,” you laughed, using your legs to push back your chair as you grabbed your bag and stood up.

It wasn’t the first time that the two of you had needed to escape such a scenario. More often than not, you were both dragged and dumped in the same scene where you were the only people under the age of 30. Believe it or not, Luke was not even a relative of yours. Your immediate families had somehow just managed to conglomerate after years or being neighbours, and then the rest was history. ‘Oh, we’re having a gathering? May as well invite the neighbours over!’ ‘Oh, we’re having roast for dinner? May as well invite the neighbours over!’ ‘Oh, it’s 4pm? May as well invite the neighbours over!’ Luckily, God planted Luke in your next door house so that you weren’t alone when your mother forced you to go to the neighbouring house for coffee and a biscuit.

Being trapped in so many boring circumstances with him inevitably led to both of you being quite close friends. 

Of course, it wasn’t just these neighbour/family bonding times when you saw each other. In your suburban area, there was only one reasonable high school in near proximity, and, yes, you guessed it, you both attended there. Although you didn’t spend your entire school days attached to the hip, you were both happy to walk to school together, partner up in the lab, and snigger when one another did something stupid in class. Everyone knew you were friends. Good friends. But people considered it a brother/sister relationship. You stuck out for one another, relied on each other, could have free flowing conversation, knew everything about one another. Yet, there was no attraction. It wasn’t a situation of being best friends with intense crushes.  Just mutual appreciation of having each other’s presence.

“Where are we going?” you inquired, stepping outside onto the porch, Luke closing the door shut behind you.

Cool air brushed across your skin, welcoming you to the spacious world outside the crowded house. Manoeuvring around you so that he could direct the way along the path on the side of the street, he sighed, “anywhere but in there.”

Alphabet - Luke Hemmings Smut FicWhere stories live. Discover now