"We're here, Barusu, Y/n." You opened your eyes, blinking away a nap you weren't aware you were taking, as you got up, yawning. In front of the carriage you rode was a city, which Ram was coaxing the dragons into. She seemed irritated.

"Something wrong, Ram?" You asked, yawning. She shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Something just feels off." She told you. Subaru nodded, looking around.

"Something just makes me want to punch someone." He told you, looking around. As you looked around, the people walking around the street seemed to also be irritated. Your mind defaulted to the most basic solution.

"Do you guys think-" You started.

"Stand User?" Subaru interrupted. You nodded, gritting your teeth. Why was Subaru of all people the one interrupting you?

"Where do you think they could be?" Ram asked. You shrugged.

"Don't ask me. This could be something affecting the whole city, we'd have no chance of just finding them." You told Ram.

"Well lets just hurry up and do it. I just want to relax here, alright?" Subaru asks, already showing increased irritation.

Your guess was right. Everyone in the city seemed to be in a bad mood. Haggling was more intense at certain stalls, people seemed to be breaking out into fights more, and you were starting to get a headache.

"What the hell is up with this?" You asked yourself. Subaru grumbled in complaint as someone bumped into the carriage, probably pushed.

"Hey, watch it!" Ram shouted, as you looked over the side of the carriage. A rather tall, red haired girl backed up, scared.

  "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She said, breathing heavily. You looked her in the eyes, not saying anything. She looked you in the eye, before averting her gaze. You narrowed her eyes.

  "Guys, Wait a bit." You told Ram and Subaru. Subaru grumbled in complaint as Ram sighed. The dragons came to a stop, pawing the ground. This girl wasn't mad or irritated. She seemed panicked, sad even.

  "What's wrong?" You asked her. She looked up at the question, in shock.

  "What?" She responded. You sighed.

  "Look, whatever's happening here, I'm not in a good mood. What is the matter? Why are you sad, when everyone else just seems to be mad?" You asked her. Her breathing accelerated.

  "I.... I don't know. I tried telling someone what I thought, but nobody will believe me." She told you. You hummed, narrowing your eyes.

  "Was there an arrow involved?" You asked. She shrugged, holding a hand to her neck. That confirmed it.

  "Look, I think I can explain, but first, what's your name?" You asked her. She swallowed in fear.

  "It's Scarlet." She told you. You nodded. Fall Out Boy appeared, holding out his hand. Scarlet's eyes widened, as her eyes fell on the figure.

  "What..... what is-"

  "I'll explain it to you in a bit. Get in the carriage."

   Scarlet's chest quivered as she took deep breaths. She didn't seem to be taking this well, somehow.

  "I... I have a stance-"


  "A-a stand, and it's causing all this?" She asked, holding her hands to her heart. You nodded.

  "Yeah. I don't know how much I can help you control it, but that does seem to be a good ability you have. If you can target certain people, you'd have something really good coming for you." You told her. She nodded.

"So.... how d-do I control it?" She asked. You shrugged.

"Dunno. Never seen a stand like that." You told her. She sighed in defeat.

"Ugh.... deep breaths, Scarlet. Deep breaths." She told herself. After a few minutes of her trying desperately to regain her composure, something materialized on her lap. It appeared to be a slab of stone, with some kind of stylus. It was blank. You cleared your throat. When Scarlet looked at you, you pointed to her lap, at the tablet. She looked down, before her eyes widened.

"Is that-"

"I would guess that's your stand." You told her. Scarlet nodded, gingerly picking up the tablet.

"What is it called?" She asked. You shrugged.

"It's your stand, you name it." You told her. Subaru only watched, while Ram was watching people be angry.

Scarlet sighed, picking up the stylus.

"Maybe I...." She wrote something you couldn't see. She lifted the stylus, which disappeared from her hand. Her face shifted to one of anticipation as she stared at the tablet, biting her lip.

The air seemed to cool off as your bad mood began to melt away. Subaru sighed, calming down.

"What did you do?" You asked Scarlet. She shrugged.

"I just wrote 'Calm.' I think it worked." She said, as the tablet disappeared. You raised a brow.

"That's nice. You get a name for it?" You asked. Scarlet tapped her chin, all signs of her sadness gone.

"Well, I think it can control emotions. The time I get emotional is when I'm homesick, or separated from my family, so I think I'll call this...." She tilts her head.

"How about... Far From Home?"

And here we end it. Your first friendly stand user acquaintance. Tell me how you feel about an ability like that. I'd appreciate any and all feedback on how I'm doing. In the meantime, I hope you all have a great day!


~1542 Words

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