A List

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"Cause you and Joe are being sexist male pigs, Erin and I have compiled a list of ten things girls can do that guys can't." Linda places the list on the table before Danny.
He picked it up and started to read,
1.  Push an eight pound screaming mound of flesh out of your lower abdomen, then two years later say, "let's do that again!"
2. Making sure your two year old doesn't play with knives while cooking dinner while talking to your husband while caring for your surprisingly active newborn
3.  Asking for directions. Males never wanna do that.
4.  Shopping for anything. We have an organized list, while guys wonder aimlessly till they find what they need
5.  Eyes on the back of the head see everything. Even that eye roll," Danny and Joe looked at the girls, realizing they had, in fact, rolled their eyes. The detective continued,
"6.   Hands. Cooking, cleaning, massages, tickling babies... all cause better blow jobs
7.  That smile thing Linda does with her tongue and teeth
8.  Pouty lips and puppies eyes that make men wild
9. Pulling a bra out of a shirt sleeve, and finally,
10. Multiple orgasms."
Danny laughed at the last item.
"Funny. That's funny."
"It's true." Linda smiled.
"Wanna prove six and ten?"
"Gladly." They walked to their bedroom hand in hand.
Joe called after them, "you guys are disgusting!"

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