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Nicky chewed her lip as she watched her Aunt and Uncle hold hands and flirt with each other during Sunday dinner. She looked over at her mom, wondering what she was thinking.
After dinner, Nicky's Aunt and Uncle disappeared, leaving the teenage girl to help her mother with the dishes. "Mom," she started, "why aren't you and Dad like Aunt Linda and Uncle Danny?"
"I'm not sure I know what you mean." Erin stated, handing a dish to her daughter.
"I mean, don't you and Dad love each other anymore?"
"Honey, where is this coming from?"
"From watching Aunt Linda and Uncle Danny. They're so in love still. After two kids and Uncle Danny's work getting in the way of everything, they still love each other. They're having sex right now!"
"It's true! They're in his old room, having sex."
The girls heard a bang from upstairs, Nicky motioning to the ceiling. She made an 'I told you so' face as she crossed her arms.
Before Erin could answer, Jamie walked in the kitchen, "can you believe they're having sex again?" He shook his head as he grabbed a beer. "Never invite them over. I learned that lesson the hard way."
Once he left, Nicky pointed in his direction. "See? I bet they even have sex in public places."
"Okay, first of all, stop talking about sex. Second, your Aunt Linda's too self-conscious to do it in public. And third, things just didn't work out between your Dad and I. And finally, don't ask about us again. When you're older, you'll understand."
Nicky wasn't happy with that answer, but let it go. She heard another crash from upstairs, giving her mother the look from earlier.
Erin sighed, "I'll talk to them. Later."

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