You smile sadly and turn over, closing your eyes again. Strong arms wrap around and you snuggle closer to the stranger. Soon, both of you are asleep.

"Nat, we need to- Oh"

Nat's head shoots up, glaring at Clint. You are a little slower and, groaning, lift up your head, eyes still half closed.

"Really Clint, go away" Nat says, annoyed.

"I'm sorry Nat but we need to go, we have, uh, plans" Clint says, substituting the word 'plans' for 'mission.'

Nat shakes her head. "Well I'm busy, you can go without me"

She flops back down on the bed, pulling you down with her, and presses her head into the back of your neck.

"Nat come on, you can bring her with you. She can go in our infirmary" Clint insists.

Groaning, Nat slowly climbs out of bed, motioning for you to do the same.

"I'm all for following a stranger into their house, but first, I'd quite like my clothes back, and my bike." You joke.

Nat and Clint, quite literally, dump you in the hospital wing and head off to the others. Within minutes, you are out of there and trying to find them. When you do, Nat looks extremely pissed while Clint is teasing her.

"Wait until I tell your kids how there mommies met. 'Oh yeah, your mommy hit your other mommy with a car" Clint snickers.

You smirk. "Yeah and wait until I tell your kids how their dad died." You say, gaining their attention. "Yeah, I accidentally dropped him of the top of Stark Tower, I'm so sorry, but at least he was very heroic and screamed all the way down"

Clint's face pales and he scurry off whilst Nat bursts out laughing.

"So The Black Widow hit me with a car, not many people can say that" you tease.

She rolls her eyes and smacks your arm lightly. "Shut up."

You see a thought flicker across her face and, before you can stop her, she somehow has your phone in her hands, already punching in her number.

She hands it back to and you look at it.

"Natasha' that's so boring, you couldn't have come up with something better" you complain.

"Oh, and what would you suggest" she raises an eyebrow.

"How about 'bad driver' or 'almost killed me" you tease.

She rolls her eyes. "Speaking of killing, why are you up?"

You smirk flirtatiously. "I just can't stay away from you"

She sends the same look back to you. "Why don't you just come closer then"

You slowly advance, her stepping back until her back is pressed against the wall. You continue to get closer until you are inches from her, your noses almost touching.

"Can I kiss you?" You whisper breathlessly.

She nods her head slightly and you quickly press your lips to hers before she can change her mind. You kiss her with such force that you press her further into the wall.

Her hands grip your waist, squeezing tightly as if she was scared to let go. You wrap your arms around her neck, trying to reassure her that your not going to leave.

"Well, I never thought I would kiss someone who tries to kill me"

She slaps your arms but smiles nevertheless. "I didn't try to kill you, I just almost did."

"That's not what I thought I would see when Clint said there was a new girl" Tony said from behind you. "Wait, hold up, she tried to kill you"

You smirk. "Hits me with a car, then has the nerve, the nerve, to come in here and kiss me" you say, feigning disbelief.

Nat scoffs "for the record, you kissed me"

"Mmhmm, whatever you say Nat, whatever you say." You say.

She sighs. "And to think, I was gonna call you my girlfriend" she says, spinning on her heel and walking off.

"Girlfriend? I like the sound of that" you run after her, calling, "you know, maybe it was me who kissed you"


So this one is quite long but still a bit rushed so sorry.

Please leave requests

Thank youuuuu


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