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"Hello, welcome, thank you for coming," Mark beamed, shaking hands with the man who just came into Alosia. Alosia was the Lee family's lake castle, and Mark's favourite spot. He loved to come here, taking the twenty minute boat ride on the peaceful waters to reach the island and enjoying the tranquility.

The fact there were people there now almost made Mark forget about the absolute chaos it was this morning - the bouquets hadn't had the right shade of peach flower in them, making Hyuck have a mini meltdown and nearly cancel the wedding before Mark calmed him down.

It was understandable Hyuck was so stressed; after all, he was only getting married once, and Mark wanted it to be perfect as well. Which is why he'd asked the florists to take out the peach flowers and instead go for orange roses to mimic the sunset Donghyuck wanted, taking his allergy medications and assuring Hyuck he'd be fine, peppering kisses through the veil on his distressed lover.

Once Donghyuck had calmed down, he apologised a million times to the florist and gave him two times the amount of money he was already paying him, feeling so bad he started crying again.

Mark had comforted Donghyuck, who whimpered he was so nervous the wedding wouldn't go smoothly, and Mark had told Hyuck to kiss him, closing his eyes and pressing numerous kisses to Donghyuck's lips, leaving the smaller boy breathless and according to him, his lips swollen and bright red.

But now, it was dawning on Mark that this was really happening. He was going to be marrying Hyuck, him. He got to marry a ray of sunshine.
"Pardon me for a second," Mark said courteously and walked back to the groom room where he sank down, Jisung, Jeno, Jaemin, and Yoonoh giving him a concerned look. "I'm getting married."

"Told you so," Jeno told Jaemin, who sighed.

"Yes you are Mark," Yoonoh replied, sipping his champagne.

"I'm getting married to Donghyuck."


"Am I good enough to marry such a ray of sunshine? Did you know he loves cuddles? He loves them," Mark sniffled, blinking away tears. "And I get to marry him. Me, Mark Lee, I get to marry Donghyuck."

"Yes. You are good enough," Yoonoh replied, putting a hand on Mark's shoulder. "Marriage is daunting, but you are marrying someone you truly love. It won't be a problem once it happens, but for now, it's terrifying, isn't it?"

"Yeah," Mark said softly.

"You got this though!" Jaemin cheered.

"I'd feel better if Hyuck was here," Mark said shakily, and Yoonoh squeezed his shoulder.

"You'll see him in less than twenty minutes. Which reminds us, you need to get your makeup redone.

"Right," Mark said, taking a deep breath. "Sorry."

"No need to be sorry," Jeno said comfortingly. "It's natural to be nervous before your big day."

"What if Hyuck hates me?"

"That boy loves you more than Renjun loves Moomin," Jeno said, and Mark nodded as the makeup artist came back in and finished up his makeup, applying the rhinestones softly under his eyebrows.

"You got this," Mark whispered to himself.

"Prince Lee Minhyung?" Someone asked, and Mark looked up.


"It's time." Mark nodded, standing up and dusting off his suit, taking a deep breath.
He walked out and down the aisle, shaking the priest's hand and thanking him for being there. Then he turned towards the doors, soft music beginning to play.

The Crown Prince [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now