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"Haechan?" Mark asked, trying to stand and go over to him, only to be yanked down by Daniel.

"He's just being dramatic." Jieun lowered Donghyuck to the floor, calling for a certain potion he had.

Daniel's blood ran cold as he recognised the antidote, and let out a low growl. "How dare she stop my plans."

"What?" Mark asked, his head snapping to look at Daniel. "Your what?"

"None of your concern." Daniel hissed, watching as Donghyuck's eyes rolled back and Jieun dug the lettuce out of his mouth, clearing his air passage the best she could.

Mark pulled away and ran over, beginning hard chest compressions as Daniel sat with a smile on his face, watching the agony on Mark's face as Donghyuck went into cardiac arrest. Sure, he'd grieve for a while, but he'd come around and be his.

As someone came in, holding the vial, Daniel moved to knock it out of the person's hands, only to be held back by the king.

"You sick excuse of a human being," Taemin spat, and Daniel just looked at him evenly.

"It's love."

"This is insanity," Taemin hissed, watching as his wife administered the antidote and Mark continued his compressions, tears streaming down his face.

"Administered," Jieun declared, taking over the compressions from Mark. Mark looked at Daniel dead in the eye, and for the first time, Daniel felt a shiver of fear from Mark.

"I'm going to deal with you once I know Haechan is safe." Mark seethed.

"He has a pulse!" Jieun shouted, and Mark exhaled, looking at Donghyuck, drained. "Mark, help me move him."

"Will he be okay?" Mark asked, and Jieun looked up at him, sighing.

"I don't know. But he's alive."


Jeno woke up to see Jaemin sleeping next to him in a chair, his hand gently over Jeno's. Groaning, he felt a stinging pain in his torso and looked down to see it wrapped, the edges of burns peeking out. It was uncomfortable, and he squirmed a little, whimpering at the pain.

"Nono?" Jaemin asked sleepily, and Jeno looked at him, Jaemin's face crumpling into one of sadness and sobs wracking his frame.

"N-nana what's wrong? What happened?" Jaemin couldn't answer, and Jeno closed his eyes as his head began to hurt.

Fire. Renjun, kissing his gas mask. Renjun pushing him back as a beam fell. Jeno, being dragged out by Taeyong. Chenle, screaming for his brother and trying to run back in, thrashing against Jaemin. Chenle screaming that Jeno promised his brother would be safe, that he wanted his brother, that this wasn't fair.

Renjun's eyes in the fire, brown and sad.

Renjun, bruised and battered.

Renjun, whispering something in his ear.

Renjun, telling him he loved him and Jaemin before pushing him back.

"Renjun?" Jeno asked, and Jaemin shook his head.

"They didn't find a body but the fire was so hot they said no one could have possibly survived it without repellant of some sort." Jaemin whispered, heartbreak evident in his voice. "This is my fault. Jeno, this is my fault that he's gone."

"No it isn't," Jeno consoled, brushing back Jaemin's hair the best he could. "I didn't get him out fast enough. I didn't hold onto him. I'm the one to blame."

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