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Jeno was bored. His parents made him study every single night for exactly three hours, and if they found out that he wasn't, well, let's just say the last time made sure he wouldn't do so again. Not for the first time, he thought that Donghyuck had it a lot easier. All he had to do was be Renjun's friend.

Renjun seemed nice enough to everyone but him and Jaemin. He was coldly polite to Jeno's parents, but that was understandable. Probably because they'd all but let Hyuck be raised by the family of Lelidan.

"Hello?" A voice said, and Jeno turned to look at Renjun, who was peering inside the study curiously. Speak of the devil "Hi Jeno."

"Hi," Jeno said, smiling a little. Something as a distraction, at least for a bit.

"How are you?"

"Tired. It's currently my study time but I don't feel like doing so."

"Oh. What're you studying?"

"Currently, Lelenese."

"My language?" Renjun looked surprised, and Jeno nodded. "I could help you? If you want."

"Sure," Jeno said, looking at Renjun. He wasn't quite sure what had made the boy suddenly be friendly, but he wasn't complaining. Renjun dragged a chair over and sat in it cross-legged. Jeno noticed but didn't even raise an eyebrow.

"The first thing about Lelenese is the rhythm. It's messed up a lot, but know you just need some sort of rhythm. Usually, it's an up and down cadence. It translates into Eyaekhan, which is how you can tell if someone is from Lelidan. We have a lilt."

"Can you talk a bit more so I can hear it?" Jeno asked curiously, and Renjun thought for a minute.

"In what language?"


"Like this?" Renjun looked self-conscious, and Jeno nodded. ,"Well I really like to go outside when it rains. Sunshine gets very harsh around here so it's welcome when it does rain. However, the rain is usually relentless. But I go out without an umbrella and get sick more often than not, but it is worth it."

"That's beautiful," Jeno said, the lilt making Renjun's voice sounding like he was speaking lyrics instead of simple words.

"It's the kind of lilt you need. So you need to go up on vowels and lower on consonants."

"This makes so much more sense than Mark trying to explain it," Jeno sighed, looking at the paper.

"What did Mark say?"

"You just go with what feels right." Renjun laughed at that and shook his head.

"If we went with what felt right, it would be a catastrophe. In all reality, the cadence and the pronunciation is what Lelenese is about. So..." Jeno watched Renjun carefully, drowning out his words. The boy had some of the cutest features he'd ever seen; eyes that sparkled, a very boopable nose, and a contagious smile with a little snaggletooth. "Do you get it?" Renjun asked, and Jeno shook his head no.

"Sorry," Jeno offered weakly at Renjun's frown.

"I'm just trying to figure out how to explain it easier. There's five main vowel noises. Do you know those?" Jeno nodded, and Renjun smiled a little. "Good. Now, the next thing is the sub-vowel noises."


Chenle waited patiently, his telescope directed not at the stars, but at the person down the hall. "What're you doing Lele?" The other boy asked tiredly, his voice heavy from sleep.

"I'm looking at the only star in my sky," Chenle giggled, and Jisung groaned.

"That was awful."

"I know. Anyways, I think we should prank someone." Jisung perked up at that, looking at Chenle with brighter eyes.


"Mark and Hyuck seem to be arguing a fair bit. Let's help them out," Chenle drew out a pair of handcuffs, and Jisung's eyes widened.

"Do you have more than one pair?"

"Of course," Chenle answered, and Jisung grinned.

"We should do it for Jaemin and Renjun too."

"Ge's helping Jeno study last time I checked. But we can make it work!"


Hyuck woke up draped over someone. It wasn't the first time it had happened; him and Renjun had sleepovers all the time. But this was not Renjun's or his room; it was a powdery blue colour with a dark blue flag on it.

He knew that flag.

"What is this?" Donghyuck groaned, rolling off the person to see Mark sleeping peacefully. Hyuck's breath caught as he gently pushed some of Mark's hair from his forehead, admiring his features. Then he noticed how his wrist was fastened to Mark's and he screamed.

"What?" Mark asked sitting bolt upright.

"Who did this?" Donghyuck heard a shout, and saw Renjun standing in the courtyard, dragging a very sleepy Jaemin behind him. It looked like they had come from the Aikavia apartments, just across the courtyard.

"They did it to me too!" Donghyuck shouted, and Renjun attempted to throw his hands up. Instead he just yanked up Jaemin, who was trying to sleep on the cobblestones.

"Where's Chenle?" Renjun asked, the thought dawning on him. He grabbed his stone that connected him to Chenle, and winced. "He's only screaming but I have a good idea of where he is." He began to drag Jaemin, who was whining about it being cold.

"Wait for us!" Hyuck got Mark out of bed and gently herded him down and out to where a very pissed Renjun was waiting.

"Hi Minhyung," Jaemin said sleepily, yawning widely.

"Hi. What's going on?" Mark was nearly awake, and looked down at his hand, cuffed to Donghyuck's. "Oh shit."

"I am going to kill Chenle," Renjun fumed, his face slowly turning red.

"No, don't kill him," Jaemin said softly, wrapping his arms around Renjun.

"Get off, I am going to kill him."


"We might need to hide," Chenle whispered, and Jisung nodded. Chenle removed his necklace connecting him to Renjun and put it in his chair before thinking. "Where's the last place he'd think to look for us?"

"His own room? Isn't practically no one allowed in there?"

"You're right! The last person that went in there without permission was imprisoned!"


"No, but we don't know what happened to him. His name was Xiaojun?"

"Oh. Let's go!" The two of them quickly raced to the heir's apartments, passing Queen Yongsun.

"Chenle? Jisung?" She asked, and Chenle slowed down to look at his mom. "What're you doing?"

"Currently, running for our life from a mad Ge and Hyuck."

"What did you do?"

"Handcuffed Ge and Jaemin and Mark and Hyuck together?"

"Right. Good job. By the way, I never saw you two," the queen winked and walked away, Chenle beaming. Then Jisung grabbed his hand - making him blush a tomato colour - and they ran into Renjun's apartments. The first floor was a sitting room, the second floor a study. The third floor was his bedroom, and immediately they spotted his closet, dunking inside. They quickly hid among the clothes, sitting cross legged.

"So," Jisung began, and Chenle looked at him curiously.


"Truth or dare?"


Thank you for nearly 1k reads! Lots of love towards all of you

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