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Harry's POV

The ringing of the ambulance arriving had been permanent to my ears. I was sat in the front seat of the ambulance, pinching my lips with my fore-finger and thumb. It took me a while to convince the paramedics to let me come with them, though.

In the back of the ambulance truck, where Stefani was, the urgent tones of the two paramedics were heard as they rused around in the compact space. One held an oxygen mask as the other checked Stefani's pulse.

"Would you go faster," I whispered to the driver, my voice being a soft tone becaue of the event that had just occured. I had forced Luke to go to his flat because he was the cause of this. He, obviously, refused. His car was driving behind the ambualnce's truck as we sped through the streets.

"Do you want us to die? I'm, already, fifteen miles above the limit."

"She could die; do you know that, mister paramedic." My tone was stern as the anger and annoyance began to grow inside of me like a plant sprouting.

He stayed quiet as he rushed through the streets, a bit more faster then he was before.

My heart was beating fast against my chest, the thumps being loud enough to hear. My fists were now balled up at my side as my jaw was locked; I was nervous, even though I didn't seem like it. My face looked like I was aggitated.

Once we finally reached the hospital, the two paramedics jumped out of the back of the truck as the driver helped get the stretcher out of the truck. Luke had quickly parked in an available space before jumping out and running in the hospital beside me as the stretcher was being pulled in at a rapid face. The color from Stefani's face was draining quickly.

"Room thirty-nine!" one of the nurses yelled as they all ran to a room.

The only thing that was left was for me to sit down, and wait. Just wait.


"Mr. Cox?" A nurse had held a clipboard up and read the fake name I gave her, since the only way I could see Stefani was if I was family. I, basically, pretended to be her brother, even though he was in Michigan, studying. He was in the University of Michigan.

"Can I see her?" I asked, immediately getting up and out of the cushioned seat. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Luke's eyes burning into me.

"Yes. Would you like to be alone with her? You only have five minutes," the nurse asked.

No shit, I have five minutes and I want everyone to be there as I confessed my love for my sist--girlfriend.

"Yes, please."

The nurse nodded her head courteously before leading me to the room Stefani was in. I immediately rushed in the room and locked the door behind me. I closed the creme-colored curtains and sat beside Stefani.

My hand grasped onto hers as the pad of my thumb swirled around the soft skin that had covered her hand. The noise of the heart moniter beeping was in the background. However, small tubes had been connecetd to vast areas on her body. But that wasn't all.

Everything was expectedly sterile, and yet there was a faint hint of a death smell in the air. Yet again, I was praying my heart out that Stefani didn't die unexpectedly. However, I felt movement. Looking up, I saw that Stefani's eyes were cracked open.

"Harry?" she croaked, trying to perceive me.

"Stef," I mumbled before the both of us immediately embraced each other. Stefani was pulled back down by the tubes, the sound being a strange squishy sound. I held her up as she wrapped her arms around me.

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