(thirteen: part two)

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Harry's POV

"Mum, Stefani and I made dinner with Niall," I said, walking up to her in the kitchen. Niall said that he was on his way, so when he comes, he can prosper off of the compliments.

"Oh, that cheeky boy. Is he coming?" my mum asked, getting plates ready for everyone.

"Yes, he said that he is on his way."

She hummed an, "Okay," in reply as we all gathered around the dining room table. Stefani save a seat for Niall and I, leaving Ariana a seat across me.

A few minutes later, Niall knocked on the door.

Stefani jumped up and ran towards the door. She flung the door open and pulled Niall in.

"Damn, Niall! They're going to eat our food. You should've came faster," Stefani said, pulling him towards the seat. He threw his jacket on the couch as Stefani pulled him, and quickly kicked his shoes off.

"I came on time!" he whispered loudly.

"Harry, when did you tell Niall to come?" Stefani whipped around.

"Ten minutes ago."

"See, you're late," Stefani told him, sitting him down.

"Okay, fine," he admitted, raising his hands up in defense. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Styles." Niall laughed awkwardly. "And Ariana," he spoke bitterly. I bit back a laugh, but Stefani let out a small giggle at his change of tone.

"Hello, Niall. How's your mum and dad?" my dad asked him, laying back in his seat.

"Good, as per usual. How are you, Anne and Gemma?" Niall motioned between my mum, dad and sister.

"Good, good," Gemma spoke for them. I laughed a little bit.

"Well, we should go and take the food out of the fridge," Stefani said, getting up. I nodded in agreement as Niall came behind us. Niall reached in the fridge to get the lasagne, since it was, in fact, the only thing we knew how to make.

Niall handed it to Stefani, who put it in the oven. I reached in the fridge and took out the custard we made, as well. Niall and I began making the Jello and Stefani was getting the seasonings ready for the lasagne.

A ding was heard from the oven, and Niall ran over to the oven to take the lasagne out. Stefani helped me cut the Jello up into small pieces.

"Okay, I will do the seasonings and you two can do the custard," I said. They both nodded their heads in reply as we continued.


"That was delicious lasagne!" Gemma exclaimed.

"Thanks," Stefani, Niall and I said in sync. We both looked at each other awkwardly before everyone around the table laughed. Ariana, however, remained a bit silent. Her brown eyes were fixed onto me.

"Time for desert!" Niall squealed like a girl as he got up from the table. He brought the custard back. Everyone's eyes were widened in awe at how perfect it looked. Cheesy, I know.

Or should I say, custardy..

"Stefani had the idea of making custard," Niall laughed as he sat down beside me. Stefani nudged him slightly, making me laugh. We were the weirdest group of kids. However, we were missing one person; James. My heart throbbed at the thought of him. He would always laugh at my stupid ass jokes, no matter how dumb they were. Just thinking about him pulled a trigger.

"This is delicious, Stef," Ariana spoke up. Stefani's head snapped up at the mention of her name. A blush crept onto her cheeks.

"Well, Harry and Niall helped," she spoke, sheepishly.

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