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Stefani's POV

I slept very comfortably, feeling as if I fell asleep on a cushion.

The light was leaking through small openings in the blinds, causing me to awaken from my slumber. My eyes fluttered open, and I looked to my right to notice I was leaning on Harry. My eyes cast down to my hand, which was placed directly over his.

His lips were slightly parted, his hair was a disheveled mess and his head was rested on the couch that our backs were leaning on.

I quickly pulled away from him and got up. Straightening my clothes out, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.


Once I was done, I walked out to the living room. The faint aroma of pancakes drifted over to me. I pushed my glasses up slightly as I walked out.

Harry remained asleep, and Niall was cooking.

"He fell back asleep after he saw you because he didn't want to disturb you," Niall said straight away. It was clear that he had already gotten ready.

"Well, good morning to you, too!" I joked, sitting on the seat placed in front of the island.

"Seriously. I took a picture of you two." He chuckled as he showed me a picture.

My head was resting on Harry's shoulder and my hand was atop his. His left hand was placed on my thigh, and his head laid on top of my head. We looked like a couple.

"You guys should date," he laughed, attempting to flip a pancake. I grimaced before laughing.

"Both of us are in relationships."

"With each other."

I pushed Niall slightly, an annoyed expression plastered across my face. He would always tease me like that, but most of the time, it would annoy me.

"Well, how's your love life?" I joked to Niall, watching him slide two pancakes each into the three plates. I grabbed the syrup as I drizzled it atop the warm pancakes.

"I haven't found someone I'd want to be with, yet," he replied, putting the pan in the sink. He turned the tap on for a few seconds before turning it back off, watching the pan sizzle.

"Hey, can I have half of a cold glass of water?" I asked, taking a bite out of my pancakes. The pancake danced across my taste buds; it tasted amazing.

"Are you thinking of what I'm thinking?" Niall asked, narrowing his eyes at me then to Harry's sleepy figure in a humorus way. I nodded my head, beginning to see what he meant, as he handed me the cold glass of water and grabbed his phone, beginning to record.

I waved to his phone as Niall and I began walking towards Harry, very quietly. I straddled Harry, holding my weight up with my knees, as Niall counted down. He mouthed the numbers as he held up two fingers, then one finger.

I splashed the water on Harry's face as he jolted awake. I jumped off of his lap as his eyes shot open, and he immediately dried the water off of his face with the blanket he was under.

"And that is how to wake up Harry Styles!" I spoke to the phone, holding up an invisible microphone.

Niall stopped recording as he shut the phone off. We both laughed so hard, we fell to the floor. I clutched onto my stomach as my cheeks start to hurt from smiling so hard.

"That wasn't funny," Harry rasped, his morning voice slightly fading away.

"Yes it was! You should've seen your face!" Niall and I yelled at him, still remaining in our positions, croutched onto the floor.

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