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Harry's POV

"Harry?" A voice rang through my room, causing me to awaken from my sleepy state. I slung my long legs to the left as I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. I looked up to see my mum standing by the door. A dark silhouette was behind her, but I couldn't perceive their face.

"Yes, mum?" I mumbled back at her. My voice was thick, causing me to sound like a monster.

"Ariana's here to see you," she let Ariana come inside before closing the door, leaving her and I in my room.

"Harry!" she squealed, running to me before tackling me in a hug, causing me to be thrown down onto the bed, my back laying down with my arms around her.

Ariana has gone to college in California, and I haven't seen her since the funeral.

I did, in fact, miss her.

"Ariana, I missed you," I said, pushing myself up with one arm, my other arm wrapped around her petite body,

"Me too," she said, pulling away with her hands on the back of my neck, straddling me. Her chocolate brown eyes looked into mine, making me feel...mushy. She was the only one who kept me happy; well, except for Niall.

I puckered my lips as I began leaning in for a kiss, but that was before she placed her small hand over my mouth. "Morning breath, Harry," she grimaced as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I missed you," I said through her hand. She giggled before I got up and walked to the bathroom before washing my face and brushing my teeth. I combed my fingers through my hair as I pulled on my black skinny jeans and threw on a white, knit sweater.

When I walked back to my room, Ariana, immediately, got up as we walked out to the living room.

As soon as we were about to walk into the living room, Ariana stopped me. I looked at her in a peculiar way. "What happened, babe?"

"I bought you, Gem and Anne tickets to California for my graduation at UCLA. Well, actually my dad bought them, but still." She took a deep breath once the words left her mouth and walked into the living room.

"Mum, did you know about the tickets?" I asked, beginning to eat my cereal. She looked at me and nodded her head.

"Why do you think I packed the bags up, doofus?" Gemma asked, laughing once she was done talking.

I shrugged my shoulders as I finished my cereal.

"Well, Harry, you should be at home by 1:00 pm tomorrow because the flights tomorrow. I packed your clothes up, so don't worry. Also, you may want these." Mum handed me a facial wash along with my pink toothbrush as I furrowed my brows.

"What's this for?" I asked, putting my bowl in the sink.

"You're staying at Ariana's hotel tonight, since she said she's scared to sleep in a hotel room alone." I looked over at my mum then to Ariana before it connected.

"Oh, okay. Bye mum," I said, pecking her cheek as I walked out with Ariana. When I hopped in the car, I pushed the key into the ignition before reversing out of the driveway and driving to Ariana's hotel.

"How's college?" I asked, looking over at her once I reached a headlight.

"Good, actually. I just finished my courses and I will be graduating in three days," she said as she reached over to my hand and laced our fingers together. I smiled as I drove off to her hotel.

When I pulled into the lot, I hopped out of the car as a gust of wind smacked my face. Little droplets of water bgean sprinkling from the sky, which signaled that it was time to go inside. Quickly.

I quickly threw my jacket on before running to Ariana. I placed my arm around her shoulder protectively as she hugged my waist, the cold air consuming us.

After what felt like a million years, we reached Ariana's hotel room. "Damn, it's fucking c-cold outside," she mumbled as she thrusted her key card into the slot.

When she opened the heavy door, I walked inside rapidly, the hotel room being warm itself. I took my jacket off and placed it on the coat hanger, and placed my shoes next to Ariana's, neatly.

When I turned around, Ariana had already been sitting on the king sized bed, her back resting against the headboard. I walked towards her and laid down, my head resting on her lap. Her fingers began to toy around with my hair, making my eyes shut in pleasure.

"I missed you, Harry," she said, moving in front of me. I sat up and rested my back onto the headboard as she straddled me.

"I missed you too, Ariana," I mumbled back. I reached for her small hand, bringing it to my lips before kissing it.

Ariana let out a small laugh. I smiled at her, letting go of her hand as we locked eyes; she began leaning in.

I placed my lips onto her's, ever so slightly. She smiled when our lips made contact, making me chuckle. Our lips slowly moved in sync, making my stomach flip. I haven't kissed her in so long. It felt so...right. I needed this; I needed recovery.

I placed my hands on her hips, pulling her closer to me, our lips, practically, dancing. She hugged my neck, leaning in more closer. The tips of our noses bumped against each other lightly, making her giggle a bit. However, we didn't break the kiss. Her fingers tangeled into my hair, making me smile.

Ariana pulled away, biting on my lower lip lightly; she's such a tease.

"I think we should go out," she said, placing her small hands on my thighs. I looked up into her eyes as I nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, then."


sorry for spelling mistakes, loves!

"Best friends, you are my fucking best friends." -The Janoskians

-A :)

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