Chapter 46: Break away

Start from the beginning

Mistaké shook her head. "An hour long? I believe breaks are shorter than that, young Nya." She pointed out. Now that genuinely confused the water ninja and the rest of the ninja. How did she know? Don't tell them she was sitting outside of the door the entire time they started playing. "But Mistaké, how did you know that we were playing for an hour long?" Kai intervened, being t(e brave one to ask everyone's questions to the old lady. Mistaké laughed and walked out of the door. "Oh, it's not really wise to use most of the bounty's electricity, right? It said it on the monitor." She pointed out. Nya gasped before she ran out of the door herself. "I need to check the amount of electricity and fuel left!" She exclaimed. As for the old woman, she made her way towards three certain individuals, hoping that they'd fulfill a task for her.
A grumble was heard from the streets of Ninjago city. "I can't believe Mistaké asked us to grab a few groceries for the team." Ultra Violet kicked a few rocks that were in her path. Following behind her were Harumi and Killow, laughing slightly at her complaint. "What do you expect? We're in a resistance." Rumi pointed out the obvious. Killow couldn't help but agree however Ultra wasn't buying it. She shook her head and looked around. "No it's not that, I can't believe we're getting stuff for the ninja." She corrected herself slightly.
The big man raised a brow at her statement. What was wrong with getting something for the ninja? They practically owed them for taking them in.
"What do you mean? We're only helping the ninja with food supply."

That was not what Ultra Violet meant. Stopping in her tracks surprised the former quiet one and the big man. They both had confused looks to why she stopped in the middle of open. Thank goodness there weren't any SOG guards to accuse them of traitors once more. "Didn't you hear? They were playing video games for an hour straight while we were doing hard work tracking down Lloyd. Not to mention, they finished three bags of chips. That's one of the items Mistaké assigned us to buy." The purple coded general crossed her arms and practically scolded Killow for his stupidity. "Were they now? Then why are we the ones doing the chores?" Killow inquired. Being the leader of their sort of trio, well, quartet if Mr. E came along often, Harumi gave Ultra's temper a time out. "Possibly because Mistaké heard that we were biking this afternoon. No more complaining, let's just get the groceries and have fun afterwards."

Killow and Ultra Violet glanced at eachother before suggesting something about their initial plan. "But wouldn't you think it would be more practical if we used the bikes to the grocery store? We could even do a little race if you'd like it. You know, like the Teeth." The orange coded general suggested. Ultra smiled at the idea before she skipped ahead then proceeded to chime: "Teeth! Teeth! Teeth!" That was the name of their infamous race, one of the requirements to join the SOG. It was mainly Killow's idea to form it, with the little motivation help from Ultra Violet of course. The white haired girl frowned slightly though.
"You know, I didn't have enough bike riding practice unlike you guys. What if I break a few bones?" She questioned, a tad nervous about the breaking bones part. She surely didn't want to break anymore now that she was all healed up thanks to that herb. Still though, Mistaké insisted she should go easy.

"But Mistaké isn't here. Plus, we're nearby the last place I dropped our bikes off." Ultra whined. It was rather strange though, all that was ahead was an alleyway. There was no garage or an opening aside from the passage they just came through. "Are you sure you didn't get lost? We're literally facing a wall." Harumi scoffed, waiting for Ultra to admit her coordination mistake. But no, that was not what she received instead. "In an instance, you'll see three lovely bikes in front of us." The purple coded general assured her that she was right and didn't hit her head back at the bounty. Still though, Ultra was known for being not only an eccentric one but she was miss Insanity. The gal pressed one of the tiles on the wall and a door opened. Well rather, the wall did. It revealed three SOG bikes like she promised. "Woah! That's amazing!" Killow praised.
Ultra hopped onto her own bike. Man, she missed this vehicle so much.

"I sure hope she can still endure scratches and mayhem." The female general carefully revved up the engine. Killow got on his bike as well. They were all their respective bikes from when they were still top generals from the SOG. "I see you plagiarized this hiding spot from Nya." Harumi raised a brow then turned her attention to the smaller bike in the back of the two others. It was exactly for her, it fit her size. But frankly, the white haired girl recognized it. "Oh yeah I did, I found the blue prints one day and asked her about it. She was nice enough to go into detail on how she built it. It's mega useful. Right?" Ultra explained before riding out the small garage space. Killow glanced at Harumi. "Is something the matter?" He inquired, watching as she got on top of the bike. It's been a while since he saw her do so anyways.

Rumi was a princess by the palace of secrets. She couldn't keep tabs on the organization physically therefore she earned reports by phone calls. However, for the time that she was able to sneak out of the palace and from the master of arms, she found herself sometimes riding off through the night with her three general, mainly to check a few avenues out and simply discuss about their plans to bringing Garmadon back. Harumi was a decent biker all those times ago, however, not as good as Ultra Violet, who put dedicated all of her life to doing crazy stunts. The white haired girl focused back on her ride. She smiled to herself. "Me? Oh no, I was just sensing a bit of nostalgia." She admitted a bit embarrassed. Killow just laughed, perfectly understandable. Nostalgia may be a sad feeling. But you shouldn't be sad that those times are in the past but rather, smile because it happened. "You remember how to start one, right?"

The girl chuckled and started the engine of her former bike, the one she used to claim and use all those nights ago. It felt like forever since she last used it, for she was always on land. "Ofcourse, what do you take me for? An idiot?" She inquired, mainly joking. The bike was all fuelled up. With that, Harumi rode out of the garage space only to be joined by Killow. Once all bikes were out of the small space, the rest of the wall automatically covered up the hole. Convenient and unnoticeable. "Well, who's ready for a little race to the grocery store?" Harumi challenged, raising a palm in the air. Ultra chuckled while Killow smiled.
They were ready to race, just like old times. A bit of smoke puffed out of the exhauster. "Then bring it on!" She cheered. Just like that, three bikes once belonging to SOG higher-up's dashed off into the ruined city of Ninjago.
A/N Hi guys! LillaSmolBean here, I really hope you like chapter 46 of Reconciled hearts! Please leave a vote if you enjoyed the chapter as well as comment down below your thoughts! Anyways, you're probably asking why the chapter is quite short. Well see, I currently have writers' block so I couldn't really find motivation to write this chapter out despite having so many ideas on how I could add stuff to this chapter but my brain was simply not having it. So I apologize, haha. Alright that was all I wanted to clarify! Cya guys in the next chapter!

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