27 - Return and discovery

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This is the sequel of chapter ten of SpaceLiving (link on the first comment).
And said chapter is the sequel to chapter twenty-six of The Life of Littletato, the previous one on this website.
Read the previous chapter then chapter ten of SpaceLiving to know what happened during Littletato's trip to the SpaceLiving world (link on the first comment).

It was morning on a Saturday, nine AM.
Julia was worried about Littletato, she was searching for her in the house and outside too.
After her trip to a LonelyShip of the SpaceLiving Network, Littletato arrived home safely, she was on the bed.
Julia walked to the bedroom and saw Littletato on the bed, she was very worried, she walked close to the bed and sat on it, hugging Littletato tight.
"Oh honey, I was so worried, I woke up and you just disappeared, I didn't know where you were," said Julia, sad.
Littletato explained everything to her, she told her not to be worried, telling her that she was safe right now.
She said that she was teleported to a spaceship called LonelyShip, which exists on the SpaceLiving Network.
"I also found my forgotten brother and sister, Ted and Lisa, the ones I told you about some months after we started dating," said Littletato.
"Oh, that's cool honey, I'm glad you found them, how do they look like?" asked Julia.
Then Littletato grabbed her phone, she opened the Discord app on it.
All of her direct messages that she opened on the LonelyShip were there.
She opened the direct message of hers with Lisa, then she clicked on the photo that Lisa sent her, of Lisa and Ted together.
"So those are your siblings, Lisa and Ted?" asked Julia, looking at the picture.
"Yeah, they are," replied Littletato.
"Oh, it should have been a unique experience for you, honey," said Julia.
"Yes, it was, I reunited with my forgotten brother and sister, I also met my brother's girlfriend.
And I had breakfast with my forgotten siblings, Carol, and my parents, John and Ana.
I used an automatic fridge that created food that you thought about, called the TPF fridge or a Thought-Powered fridge.
The LonelyShip had an Artificial Intelligence that helped you manage the spaceship and modify its things, the LonelyShip had a powerful computer," explained Littletato to Julia.
"That's wonderful to hear honey, hehe, I'm happy for you, let's make breakfast hon?" asked Julia.
"Okay honey," replied Littletato.

Julia brew some coffee for Littletato, Littletato made some slices of bread with butter.
Then Julia made a cappuccino for them to drink, the couple had breakfast together, it was delicious.
Julia was happy to have Littletato back, Littletato explained more things about her trip to the SpaceLiving Network.
The couple gave food to Lisa, Littletato was stroking Lisa's fur while she ate the food.
Littletato thought about Lisa, her sister, who lives on the SpaceLiving Network.
She had a good time there, using the computer, reuniting with her brother and her sister.
Eating with her family all together and united.
Littletato wished to make another trip to her LonelyShip, to talk with Lisa.
Julia told Littletato that she wanted to live inside a LonelyShip with her.
Littletato said that they could receive a LovelyShip, which was a type of LonelyShip that was made for couples.
Then Littletato grabbed her phone, she opened the Discord app and sent a message to Lisa, to see if she could contact Lisa even if she was not in her LonelyShip.
The message was sent to Lisa, and she replied.
Littletato was sitting on the couch of the living room, Julia was washing the dishes.
"Hey sis, are you inside your LonelyShip right now?
The breakfast at dad's house was very good, right? I loved seeing the family reunited again," said Lisa.
"No, I teleported back to my LonelyShip after we said bye to dad, mom, and Carol.
Then I laid at my bed, and I began to sleep, I began to float again, and after I woke up, I noticed that I was laying on the bed of my house in San Francisco," replied Littletato.
"Oh, really? That's weird...
I never heard about a LonelyShipper getting teleported back to its Earth house without wanting to," said Lisa.
"I have a girlfriend, you know, her name is Julia, I think I already showed you a picture of her, right?" asked Littletato.
"Yes, you did, what about it?" asked Lisa.
"So, she was very worried when I came back to here, she asked where I was, I was sad seeing her like that," replied Littletato.
"Oh, maybe the LonelyShip knew that someone was worried about you at that time and teleported you back to where you were," said Lisa.
"That's a good theory, the LonelyShip knows a lot about feelings.
So, how you doing right now?" asked Littletato.
"I'm good, I woke up some minutes ago, I already took a bath, drank some water, and ate, I'm just checking the notifications of Wattpad.
After that I'm gonna continue to write chapter twelve of The Oddities of Nature, what about you?" asked Lisa.
"Well, I and Julia just had breakfast, and I don't know what we're gonna do, we're gonna decide xD," replied Littletato.
"Oh, okay sis, hehe, I'm gonna close Discord to go write a little, tell Julia that I said hi," said Lisa.
"Okay, hehe, I'll tell her, laters sis," said Littletato.
"Laters :D," said Lisa.

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