12 - The Cookie, Cyberpunk and Castle of Glass dreams

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It was a Friday, Littletato was dreaming of cookies, she ate a lot of them.
She asked herself why she always had food dreams, maybe it is because she loved eating stuff.
Littletato was eating cookies, she was sat on a throne, looking at a pile of gold.
She thought that she was a queen or a princess, some royal person.
There was a giant pile of cookies in front of her, she could eat every cookie.
Littletato was wearing a wool coat, it was a stylish thing to wear.
She was known as "The queen of eating" or "The queen of the cookies" because she ate and produced a lot of cookies.
Littletato could press a button and it would make cookies for her.
There were also grandmothers, farms, mines, factories, and portals that produced cookies for her.
Her cookie factory was known everywhere in the world, she was very famous for making cookies.
The TV news was flooded with the news about her and her cookie factory, she was a very good cookie maker.
After some years, cookies became the new currency and people threw the old paper money away.

Then another dream came in, Littletato was driving on a highway with a car that had some purple neon on its sides.
The car's radio was playing a track of the Synth wave genre, Littletato liked to feel the wind on her hair, she liked to listen to the song while driving on the highway.
There were a lot of people on the highway too, driving their cars, Littletato looked at her car and thought that it was a Delorean.
A fast car passed by her, it was a car with red neon on its sides, it looked like a car from a rebel group that tried to fight for freedom in the city where Littletato was.
That group fought for freedom and freedom of speech, they did not agree with the city's governor's choice of monitoring the population.
Littletato stepped on the car's accelerator and came face to face with the person inside the red neon car.
The person lowered the car window, it was a girl that had red LEDs on her hair, she looked punk, and had purple eye makeup on her eyes.
"Hey, you're new here, right? Wanna join our group?" asked the girl.
"What your group is about?" asked Littletato.
"We fight for freedom and fight to deactivate the surveillance system that exists in the city, the governor created it to monitor people's life.
We don't want that, we want freedom and privacy, we have good hackers on our side," said her.
"Oh, that sounds cool, what is your name?" asked Littletato while driving fast, following the red neon car.
"My name is Mika, what's yours?" asked the red LED girl.
"Littletato, nice to meet you Mika," said Littletato.
"Nice to meet you too, Littletato," said Mika, smiling.
Then Littletato drove together with Mika, they arrived at the headquarters of "The Underdogs", the rebel group of Mika.

After that, the dream switched to another dream, Littletato was feeling very calm inside that dream, she felt happy and relaxed.
She was seeing a beautiful castle of glass, it was transparent and you could see the things inside it, it was really beautiful.
Behind the castle of glass was a wonderful blue sky and some white clouds, it was like Littletato was high in the sky, close to the clouds.
Littletato could look at the sun and see it paint the clouds yellow, see it pass through the clouds.
The castle of glass was empty, but Littletato did not felt lonely or sad, she was happy for being in such a good and relaxing place.
It was like the castle was traveling on top of the clouds, that the clouds were holding it.
Littletato could fly in the sky even if she had no wings, she began flying close to the castle and landed close to its door.
Its door was big and tall, Littletato pushed the door and it opened, she started walking inside the castle.
The castle of glass had various beautiful chandeliers with a lot of colorful jewels hanging on them.
Littletato thought that it was very beautiful, seeing all those amazing chandeliers with red, pink, purple, white, black, blue, green, yellow, and grey jewels hanging on them.
She could see the sunlight coming inside the castle of glass and forming a rainbow inside it.
Her eyes shone with amazement and astonishment, Littletato was in a very beautiful place.
The castle of glass was really big, she began walking inside it and opening all of its doors, she saw a library, a room with a bed and a wardrobe.
And a dining room with a really wide table, the table was filled with slices of lemon cake on the plates and had bottles of Coca-cola close to a big cake that was on the end of the table.
Littletato thought that there was a party going on there, even if there was no one nearby, she sat at a chair.

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