33 - The busy Monday

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It was a Monday, in September of 2021, Littletato had to work today, she got up at five and a half AM.
Julia got up too, they did their morning necessities in the bathroom of the bedroom and also took a bath.
The couple walked to the kitchen to eat, they grabbed healthy vegan hamburgers and some natural orange juice without sugar.
They ate and drank, it was very delicious, the orange juice was good without sugar.
After that, they finished eating, the two registered when they ate using apps on their phones.
Then, Littletato started preparing herself to go to work.
Julia hugged her and kissed her lips, "I love you, hon," said her.
"I love you too, honey," said Littletato, who kissed Julia's lips back.
Littletato then finished preparing herself, she grabbed the keys of her car in the bedroom and walked to the garage.
She entered the car and turned it on, Julia said bye to her with a kiss, Littletato said bye back.
The girl got out of the mansion with her car, it was raining a little, with some thunders.
Julia liked to hear the thunders and the raindrops falling on the roof of the house.
Littletato had closed the door of the garage with the control in her hands.
Then Julia walked back inside the house, she walked to her bedroom and grabbed her phone which was charging.
She laid on the bed, opened Whatsapp, she texted Izaque, the name of the contact on her phone was Earth Izaque.
"Hey, Izaque, can I also call you daddy?" asked Julia in her message.
"Of course, Julia, you're my baby too, hehe :3," replied Izaque.
"Hehe, okay, daddy, thanks for doing that to me, the thing on the Candy Factory game," said Julia.
"No problem baby, hehe, I like to write about those fantasy stuff, it's cool, like, it's something that is away from reality.
I guess I don't like reality much, the normal stuff, working, eating, sleeping, getting leisure, I don't like to write about that too much," said Izaque.
"Oh, I agree, daddy, I don't like that too, the normal stuff, I love living with Tato and the others, but I also like to have some fantasy stuff too, to dream, hehe," said Julia.
"Hehe, I can always write about you living inside a fantasy if you want, baby," said Izaque.
"I would love that daddy!" said Julia, with a smiling emoji.
"So, I'm going to write something a little, talk to you later, baby," said Izaque.
"Oh, okay, it's it The Life of Littletato? :3" asked Julia.
"Yeah, hehe *hugs you*," replied Izaque.
"*Hugs back*, okay, baay daddy :3," said Julia.
"Baay :3," said Izaque.

Then Julia locked the screen of her phone, she looked at the ceiling of the bed, it was some kind of cloth, with purple curtains around it.
She got up and walked to the wall socket close to the computer table, leaving her phone there to charge.
The girl turned her computer on, walked to the kitchen, and saw Patricia there.
"Hey, big sis," said Julia.
"Hey little sis," said Patricia.
Julia grabbed her water bottle from the fridge.
Patricia was sitting on the kitchen table, eating a sandwich, she had her laptop on top of the table.
"What are you doing, big sis?" asked Julia, who walked close to Patricia, looking at the screen of the laptop.
"I'm making the new logo and visual identity for a startup company of technology, they offer services like software coding and chipset manufacture," replied Patricia.
"Oh, that sounds interesting, hehe, send me the logo when you finish it, big sis," said Julia, who hugged Patricia.
"Okay, I'll send it to you, little sis," said Patricia.
Julia then walked back to the bedroom, she closed the door and sat at the computer chair, it was six and ten AM.
She opened the PicoWorkers website to work a little, she almost had ten dollars.
Carol had already eaten breakfast, she was in her room using her computer, she also had a laptop.
The girl was making the diet of a customer of her.
She was using her laptop, she closed it and placed it between her arm and her chest.
Carol walked out of the bedroom and walked to Julia's room.
The girl knocked on the door, "Hey," said her.
Julia got up and walked to the door, she opened it.
"Hey, Carol," said Julia, smiling.
"Hey, I wanted to ask if I could stay with you, I'm feeling a little lonely..." said Carol.
"Oh, of course, come on in," said Julia.
"Thanks, Julia," said Carol, who entered inside the bedroom.
"Can I sit at the bed?" asked Carol.
"Yes, hehe, can I close the door?" asked Julia.
"Yeah," replied Carol, who sat at the bed, she placed the laptop on her lap, opening it.
Then Julia closed the door, she sat beside Carol, "Do you want a hug?" asked Julia, looking at Carol.
"Yes, please," replied Carol, leaving the laptop on the side.
Julia then hugged Carol, smiling, "Thanks, Julia," said Carol, "No problem, hehe," said Julia.
Then Julia got up and walked to the computer, she continued working on the PicoWorkers website for some minutes, it was six and thirty AM.
She closed the website, she was using the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

Julia opened the Paint Tool SAI program on her computer.
She started drawing something, it was an anime girl, Lisa had taught her how to draw faces, bodies, and how to do the anime drawing style.
"This looks good, Julia, hehe," said Carol, smiling, Julia turned the chair to face Carol, "Really?" asked her.
"Yeah, hehe, sorry for like, spying on your computer," replied Carol.
"No, it's okay, hehe, and thanks," said Julia, smiling.
"No problem, hehe," said Carol, Julia then rotated the chair back to where it was, she continued making the drawing.
Yam was at the grocery store where he works.
The blond girl that appeared in the store on that Monday in July kept coming to the store to buy things.
The boy was happy to see her every day, they even talked a little sometimes.
Yam felt sad when she did not appear in the store, he was used to seeing her every day.
Patricia came back to her bedroom after she finished eating breakfast, she continued making the logo and finished it, it was seven AM.
Littletato was still at work, programming a little, she was coding a fast-food delivery app for a company called IFood.
Julia had finished her drawing, she saved it, and closed the drawing program, she still had to post it on DeviantArt.
She said to Carol that she was going to play some "Call of Duty: Warzone" on her computer and that the game had a loud sound, and she was going to use the headphones.
Carol said okay to her, saying that she was going to give her a pat on the back if she needed something, Julia said okay.
Then Julia opened the game and selected the Warzone (Battle Royale) mode, she started playing it.
Carol had finished making the diet of her customer, she opened the Grammarly website on her laptop.
The girl started writing an essay about the Vegan lifestyle, and why Veganism is more than a diet.
And also about the effect that creating livestock and eating meat has on global warming.
She was going to post that essay on her blog.
Lisa was writing a little on the Obsidian second-brain software, she was writing a chapter of her story called "The Oddities of Nature".
The girl was happy to write that, she sent a draft of the chapter to SpaceLiving Izaque to see what he thought of it, she was writing chapter sixteenth.
SpaceLiving Izaque said that it was very good, she was happy to hear that from her friend.
It was still raining a little in San Francisco, Yam was still at the grocery store, he was reading some chapters of "The Life of Littletato" because there were no customers.
Littletato observed the beautiful rain through the window of the building where she works, she liked to hear the rain sounds.

Then, after some hours, Julia prepared herself to go to work, she arrived there and started working, she was happy.
Littletato and Yam were still working, Littletato had finished making that fast-food delivery app.
Some time passed, the three finished their works, Littletato and Yam got their cars to go back home, Julia got a bus, it was six PM.
The trio arrived home, Littletato and Julia walked to their bedroom, they started taking a bath in the bathroom, Yam too, in his bathroom.
They finished their baths, the trio walked to the kitchen to eat dinner together, Patricia and Carol were also there.
Lisa was on her spaceship, she was watching the 2007 movie called Underdog, about a dog that is a superhero, she was eating lunch while watching it, for her it was mid-day.
The quintet grabbed plates with healthy food on them, there were artificial vegetables and some BBQ cauliflower wings with BBQ sauce, they were delicious.
SpaceLiving Izaque was also eating lunch while watching an anime called Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear on his computer.
Littletato was happy to eat dinner with her girlfriend, sister, sister-in-law, and friend.
After that, the quintet walked to the living room to play a little together on the Xbox One.
Lisa visited the LonelyShip of Izaque, to spend some time with him, and to play games and watch things with him.
Littletato and the others were playing the Overcooked game, Julia was not playing because she would play after the quartet played five levels.
She was playing the Candy Factory game on her phone again, but this time, she was not teleported to the inside of the game.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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