11 - The trip dream and the picnic

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It was a Thursday, Littletato was dreaming of pizzas, a lot of pizzas flying in the sky while she was sat on the surface of a desert.
The sun was not too hot, it was a little chill there, the breeze was a little cold, she liked the weather.
The girl noticed that she had wings, white wings made of feathers.
Littletato flew high in the sky and ate some flying pizzas of pepperoni, they were delicious and moved like birds flapping their wings as they flew, she was smiling.
The sky had candies too, flying candies, chocolate stuffed biscuits, gums, sodas to drink.
She thought that she would become fat if she ate all of those things, there were so many of them, it was like the desert of food.

Then the dream switched to another dream, she was driving a red car to Texas with Julia, Littletato was happy to do a trip with Julia.
The car was convertible and the wind was hitting their hairs, Julia put her hand outside of the car to feel the wind.
Littletato put to play some folk songs on the music player that the car had, they both sang the songs, they were so relaxing.

Julia had mobile data on her phone and she sent a message to Patricia saying that she was on a trip with Littletato.
Patricia said: "Send me pictures when you arrive there! 😊".
Then Julia replied: "Of course sis! ^^".
Julia started looking to the highway again, she looked at Littletato and smiled, Littletato smiled back.


After some time has passed, it was afternoon, they were listening to a calmer song of the folk songs play-list.
Littletato closed the roof of her red convertible car and relaxed on her seat.
Julia hugged Littletato and kissed her cheek, Littletato smiled and kissed back.
They had stopped in a nearby city and bought some things to eat if they became hungry, Julia opened the pack of Doritos and began eating.
Littletato asked for one and opened her mouth, then Julia put one on her mouth, Littletato ate it.
Then Julia opened a can of Coca-cola and drank a little, giving it to Littletato.
Julia thought that the trip was so relaxing, listening to songs and eating, looking at the beautiful view.
Littletato was very happy, she arrived at a city that she needed to pass through before arriving in Texas.
She arrived at the entrance of the city and paid the toll, then started driving around the city.

Then Littletato woke up, she looked at Julia and hugged her tight, kissing her lips.
The birds were singing outside, she remembered the song that Julia and she were listening to in the car.
She looked at the clock and noticed it was six in the morning.
Littletato got up and turned the television on.
An ad for the TPF fridge was on television, saying that if you were a citizen of the SpaceLiving Network, you could use the TPF fridge on your house.
Littletato turned the volume of the television down and walked to the bathroom to do her morning needs.
She brushed her teeth, used some floss, and combed her hair.
Then she walked to the kitchen and prepared breakfast, it was eggs with bacon and hot chocolate.

Littletato walked to the living room and opened the Vegeflix app on the television, she chose the Atypical series to watch on Vegeflix.
She left the series paused and walked to the bedroom, waking up Julia with a kiss and a hug.
Julia woke up and said to Littletato "I love you", Littletato said it back.
Then Julia walked to the bathroom to do her morning needs, after that, she walked to the kitchen and saw the meal on top of the table.
"It looks so delicious hon!" said Julia while smiling, looking at the food.
"Thanks, hon, I'm happy that you like it," replied Littletato smiling.
Littletato and Julia walked to the living room to eat breakfast while watching one episode of the Atypical series.
They think this series is so fun to watch, it is a teen series, they enjoy watching it.

After some time eating, they finished both the meal and the episode of Atypical.
Littletato kissed Julia's lips and said that she needed to go to work.
She walked to the bedroom and started preparing herself for work.
Julia hugged her tight and kissed her cheek, Littletato kissed her back.
Littletato then walked to the living room door and opened it, she hugged Julia tight and kissed Julia's lips again.
"Hey honey, I think I'm going for a ride with my bike today, I'm gonna lock the house okay?" said Julia.
"Okay hon, when are you going to arrive?" asked Littletato.
"I think I'll be here by noon if I can handle riding my bike a lot, hehe," replied Julia.
"Oh, okay, good ride, honey," said Littletato while smiling.
"Thanks, good luck at work," said Julia as she hugged Littletato.
They both waved goodbye to each other, Littletato started walking to work while listening to some folk songs on her phone.

Julia came back inside the house and drank some water because she was thirsty.
Then she walked to the living room and grabbed the house's key, she also grabbed a backpack.
She grabbed the key of her bicycle and moved her bicycle outside, locking the house.
Julia started riding her bicycle around the city, she stored the key of the house inside her pocket.
She wanted to go to a park in the city, she knew that there were a lot of people exercising there.
Julia continued riding her bike and arrived there.
She started circling the block, going fast while looking at the trees.
The girl liked to ride her bicycle sometimes, it was good to refresh her mind, to calm herself, and stop thinking about the problems.
Julia brought her wallet with her, she got out of the park and started riding to a market.
When she arrived there, Julia parked her bike in a bike parking lot, locking her bike.

She walked inside the market, bought a cold can of Coca-cola, and a packet of Doritos.
Julia got out of the market and unlocked her bicycle.
She started riding to another park that she knew in San Francisco, it had birds and lots of animals.
Some people would go there to do a picnic, it had a beautiful and crystal clear river.
Julia arrived there and parked her bike on a tree, locking it.
She saw some people sat on the ground, some with their children, some with friends, it was a good park to relax.
Julia sat on the grass, opened her can of Coca-cola, and her packet of Doritos.
Some kids were running around, there was a brown dog too.
She picked up her phone and put some relaxing music to play while drinking Coca-cola and eating Doritos.
Suddenly, a kid walked close to her, looking at her Doritos packet, Julia paused the music, he asked for her to give him a little.
She gave a little to him and he said thanks while smiling, walking back to his parents, eating the Doritos.
Julia smiled back and put her music to play again, relaxing while eating and drinking.
She finished eating her packet of Doritos and drinking her Coca-cola can.
It was really good to hear the birds singing and the sound of the water flowing in the river.
She laid on the ground, looking at the sky and the clouds while listening to some good ambient music.
Thinking about her life, about Littletato, Patricia, Yam, other friends that she had.
Julia was smiling, she was calm and reflective, looking at the clouds moving, feeling the breeze.
Feeling the weight of her body, and feeling all of her problems going away.
She closed her eyes and began to sleep, listening to the song, and feeling nature.

Julia woke up and noticed that the music has ended, she got up and locked the screen of her phone, storing the earphones and her smartphone inside her backpack.
She grabbed the shopping bag and put the empty Doritos packet and the empty can of Coca-cola inside it.
Then she walked to a near trash bin and dropped the bag inside it.
Julia walked close to her bicycle and unlocked it, then she started to ride back home.
She stopped and grabbed her phone from the backpack, looking at the hours.
It was eleven o'clock in the morning, she stored her phone inside the backpack again and continued to ride back home.

She decided to grab her phone again a put to play a good song of the folk genre on it to listen to while she traveled back home.
Julia started riding her bike again while looking at the scenario and nature, the trees and grass, the beautiful sun, the girl loved nature.
She arrived home and unlocked the house, storing her bicycle inside it.
Then she locked the front door and left the bicycle's key on the key holder of the house.
She walked to the kitchen, drank a whole bottle of water, and ate an apple, she was a little tired.
Julia walked to the living room and laid on the couch, turning on the television.
She closed her eyes and slept on the warm noon, waiting for Littletato to come from work.

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