18 - The job acceptance, the conversation, and the pizza

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It was a Thursday, Littletato was awake, she got up and prepared herself for her job.
She made breakfast and woke up Julia, then she ate with her.
Littletato walked to the front door and hugged Julia, kissing her lips, she got out of the house and started walking to her job, it was six AM.
Julia stretched and walked to the living room, she laid on the couch, "Hm... I slept really well last night," thought Julia.
Then she got up and walked to the computer room, she turned Littletato's computer on.
After that, Julia walked to the bedroom, grabbing her smartphone that was in the wall socket, it was fully charged, she removed the charger from the socket.
Julia then walked to the computer room, she sat at the chair of Littletato's computer and began fiddling with her smartphone while waiting for the computer to boot up.
The computer turned on, she looked at the Windows home screen, the girl opened a game called Osu! to play, it was a music and rhythm game.
She looked at her smartphone screen, opened the Vegesapp app, and looked at her messages.
There was a message from the Safeway company, saying that she was applied for the job.
Julia was so happy, she smiled while looking at it, then she clicked on it and replied saying thank you.
Littletato could use her smartphone at work, as long as it was not used for too much time.
Julia sent a message to Littletato saying that she got the job, Littletato was so happy about that, she sent a smiling face emoji to Julia along with "Congratulations Honey!"
Then Julia smiled from ear to ear, "I begin working tomorrow, from twelve PM to six PM," said her in a message to Littletato.
"That's good honey! That means you'll be out half of the day right?" asked Littletato.
"Yes, hehe, I think it will be great," replied Julia.
"I'm happy for you hon, I have to work right now, see you later sweetie!" said Littletato.
"Okay, see you later hon ^^," replied Julia.
Then Julia looked at the computer screen, the "Osu!" game was open, playing the music theme of the game.
She locked the screen of her smartphone, then she left it on top of the table and started playing Osu! for some hours.
The girl had to click on circles and hold the mouse button on sliders to the beat of the song, she liked to play that game.

After some time playing, Julia was a little tired, she stretched and yawned, then she turned off the computer.
It was eight AM, she got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing her bottle of water and drinking a little of it.
She wanted to get out to go for a walk, her legs were a little tired from sitting down for too much time.
The girl grabbed a dark-grey empty backpack and placed her bottle of water inside the backpack.
Julia could go on her bicycle but she wanted to go on foot, she walked to the bedroom and wore her socks and blue sneakers.
She walked to the front door and opened it, then she walked out of the house, locking the front door and storing the key in her pocket.
The girl started walking to a park that she knew where was, some people looked at her, saying good morning, she said good morning back.
Julia looked at the trees, the leaves, and nature, it was very beautiful, it was a little chill, the sun was not too hot.
It was very good weather to go for a walk, she continued walking for some minutes.
Yam was walking too, he was walking in the opposite direction that Julia was walking.
They both stopped and looked at each other, "Hey Julia," said Yam.
"Hey, Yam, nice to see you," said Julia while smiling.
"I was going for a walk, my job starts at twelve PM, it is very good to walk while is chill right?" asked Yam, hugging himself.
"Yeah, I agree, hehe," said Julia.
"So, how's Littletato?" asked Yam.
"She's good, working very hard, my sister said that she's gonna come to our house Sunday to make a barbecue with us," said Julia, smiling.
Yam smiled back at Julia, "Oh, that's good, can I come too?" asked Yam, thinking about artificial sausages and artificial meat.
"Yes, of course! Hehe," replied Julia, "Okay, hehe," said Yam.
"Is your sister in town?" asked Julia.
"No, she is on the house of my parents, in New York, she only comes on Mondays or the weekend, she haves school," said Yam.
"Oh! My sister lives there too, I would like your sister, she must be a cutie, how many years old is she?" asked Julia while smiling.
"She is twelve years old, I'll tell you when she's in town okay?" asked Yam.
"Okay, thanks, well, I gotta go, it was nice to talk with you again," replied Julia while smiling.
"It was nice to see you too, Julia," said Yam smiling.
Then they both followed their ways, Julia arrived at the park and sat there for some minutes, feeling the soft wind and hearing the trees, drinking her water sometimes.
Julia then started walking back home, she was happy about her walk and feeling great, she was happy that she talked with Yam.
The girl arrived at home, she unlocked the front door and walked to the bedroom, removing the bottle of water from the backpack.
Then she stored the backpack inside the wardrobe and walked to the kitchen, filling the bottle with water and storing it on the fridge.
After that, she was a little tired, she locked the front door and walked to the bedroom, lying on the bed and sleeping.

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