29 - The Mansion of Littletato and Friends

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It was a Sunday in the year 2020, Littletato woke up at six AM, she did her morning necessities.
Then Julia woke up, she also did her morning necessities.
Both of them walked to the kitchen, they started to prepare breakfast together.
Julia and Littletato finished preparing breakfast, they started to eat.
"Hey, honey, I think I have enough money on the bank to buy a house or a mansion, for us to live with our friends," said Julia to Littletato.
"Oh, really? How much you have honey?" asked Littletato.
"I have two million one hundred thousand stored in my bank account, I've had some investments while also working, hehe," said Julia, smiling at Littletato.
"That's really great hon! Hehe, with your money and my one million one hundred forty thousand we can buy a mansion and also pay the bills for some months!" said Littletato, happy and excited.
"Yeah, hehe, so let's look for a mansion in San Francisco for us to buy after breakfast?" asked Julia.
"Yes, hehe," replied Littletato.
Then the couple finished eating breakfast, it was very delicious.
After that, Julia and Littletato washed the dishes together, they walked to the computer room.
Littletato sat on the chair of her computer, she turned it on.
She also grabbed her phone which was charging on the wall socket close to the computer.
Julia grabbed her phone from the bedroom, which was charging too, it was fully charged.
She sat on the chair of her computer, turning the phone on.
"So, honey, with your money and mine together, we have three million two hundred forty thousand, right?" asked Littletato.
"Yeah, that's right hon," said Julia.
Then Littletato began searching for mansions in San Francisco, CA, she found some at the price of one million, and some pricier.
"Hey hon, what do you think about this one that costs one million two hundred thousand?" asked Littletato.
Julia looked at the computer screen, she saw that the house had six thousand square feet, it had nine bedrooms and seven bathrooms, also four parking spaces.
"It's very good honey, it has enough bedrooms to accommodate all of our friends," replied Julia.
"Yes, hehe, I want to live with Carol, Patricia, Yam, and also Lisa and Ted," said Littletato.
"Lisa and Ted are going to live with us? I think they have their spaceships to live on, right?" asked Julia.
"Yeah, but I'm gonna ask them to add the mansion as a trusted house on their LonelyShip.
So they can come to our mansion when they wanted, to make parties and stuff, what do you think, hon?" asked Littletato.
"I think that's a good idea hon, I would be happy to meet your other two brothers, and also Carol, I only talked with her on Vegesapp," replied Julia.
"Oh, okay hon, hehe, can you send the money to my bank account?" asked Littletato.
"Okay hon," replied Julia, who opened her bank app and transferred the money to Littletato's bank account.

After that, Littletato created an account on the website where she saw the ad of the mansion of one million two hundred thousand dollars.
She called the seller that was going to sell her the house, they talked for a while, Littletato asked questions about the house, to know if it had any problems.
He said that everything was working properly.
Littletato made the offer of one million two hundred thousand dollars to the seller.
She asked her bank for a proof-of-funds document, proving that she had the money to buy the house.
Littletato included an inspection and appraisal contingency to the offer.
To indicate that she would like to buy the house as long as the home inspection reveals that the house is in good working order.
And the appraisal comes back in the ballpark of the purchase price.
The seller accepted Littletato's offer to the house.
Littletato scheduled a home inspection to the house, she and Julia drove to the house by car.
They arrived there and checked everything in the house, they checked if everything was working right.
After that, they got home again, Littletato made some title research on the house, to make sure there are no unknown liens or claims on the house before she takes ownership.
The house had a clearly defined lot that showed the property boundaries of the house.
She also bought homeowner's insurance, to make sure that her money is insured in case something unexpected happens.
Littletato also asked for an appraisal of the house, to make sure that the house was worth what she was paying for.
The girl planned a wire transfer between her and the owner of the house to transfer her money to the owner.
She paid the association fees, closing costs, and got to the closing table, she signed the paperwork to transfer the house to her name.
Then she transferred the money to the bank account of the old owner of the house.
The owner gave the house keys to Littletato, she and Julia were there at the house, they were so happy.

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