I had a hard time accepting the fact that the person who had been threatening me in the twelve messages above was the same person who was sending me a concerned message to make sure I reached home safely so I sent the only reply I could think of.

Hey, do you have bipolar personality disorder? Also, yes I have reached home safely so NO, you absolutely do not need to come here to check. And yeah my brother didn't say anything but that doesn't mean you can bother me again. Now that you have met me, can you please leave me alone for good? – Delivered at 5:36 p.m.

I knew sending this message was a lost cause. He was one persistent spawn of Satan. There was no way he was going to leave me be but a girl could hope right? I knew the answer to my rhetorical question only seconds later.

No. That was all he sent me. Literally nothing else. Just a no. What was he, a grade schooler? He needed to act like a grown up. I don't know what to reply to this.

What are you going to do now? I think he guessed that I wasn't going to reply to his expressive answer so he decided to ask me anyway.

Study. My CIEs are approaching fast. I replied as I waited for him to reply with something absurd and demanding again but was frankly surprised when he gave a rather understanding reply.

Alright. When is your first? Why was he so interested in this?

2nd May. I replied honestly. I had roughly a month and a half to prepare now. Today was the last day of the crash courses and school was officially over for us seniors so we could stay at home and study or go to academy or whatever.


Are you leaving me alone? I asked expectantly.

No, I am just giving you space so you can study, I will be around but I will bother you properly once you give your exams. I was at a loss of words. Of all the things, I could have done, I ended up laughing until my stomachs started to hurt. Just what was with this guy? What went in his mind?

Alright, thank you I guess. It's not like you will leave me alone if I ask you so I will have to make do with the second best. I had decided to surrender myself to fate.

That's a smart girl. When do your exams end? I had wanted to enjoy my peace so I intentionally told a later date. My exams were going to end on May 28th but instead I replied with something else.

12th June. It's not like he will know right? How could he? He is a grown ass man who is probably- wait I don't even know what this guy is studying or doing with his life.

Hey, what are you studying? I knew my question was sudden but I just hoped he gave me a straight answer for once.

Medicine. WHAT? This loco guy was studying to become a doctor? What the heck? Was this a joke?

HAHAHAHA seriously? You want to become a doctor? Want to find a legitimate way to kill people? I joked and then realized what I had sent and gasped. Oh shit, I let my sarcasm get away.

Hahahaha so you do have a sense of humor but sorry to burst your bubble but it is my mother's orders. I am not really interested but you know, one cannot deny his mother's wishes. Though I had wished she had asked for something more doable to be honest.

Fair enough. Are you smart? How did you even get into med school? I, for one, was genuinely curious. I had deemed him as someone very dumb.

With father's contacts and money of course. One call was all that was needed. Nobody refuses my father. He sounded awfully confident.

What does your father do, anyway? It had just dawned on me that his father must me some sort of CEO to be able to afford to do such things. Med schools don't just take in any students on call unless the students have strong links or are bat shit rich.

He is a politician. His name is Saqib Narejo. You must have heard of him. If not, ask your brother. There aren't many who don't know about my father. OH MY GOD. OF ALL THE PEOPLE, THIS PSYCHO WAS HIS SAQIB NAREJO'S SON? Of course I knew who he was. He is the current underground mafia don of the Sindh province and also one of the richest men of our country.

Of all the people to get myself entangled with, it had to be his son?

Author's note:

Hey and Asalam o Alaikum guys! 

I decided to work on this book next but I will try to update Probably Yours and Chasing Desires as well. No promises though. So now that we finally know what big shot Ibraheem's father is, what do you think Misha will do? Will she give up or will she try to get rid of him? 

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