The Attack

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Meanwhile, my parents grew impatient and decided to come in.  They demanded to know where I had gone and started toward Ed's office.  On the way, they passed the kids training room where they trained kids to become spies. One of the girls had heard all the commotion and peeked out into the hallway.

"Psst. Hey, come here." She whispered at Marie and Luciana as hey passed by.

The girls stopped and decided to go with the girl. They entered the training room and told the girl who they were and what was happening. The girl offered for them to join in training and they accepted. They became best friends. My parents didn't notice the girl's disappearance and kept going.

After Ed finished coughing, my parents burst into the room.   Nathan immediately stood up, took my hand and led me out the door.  He pulled me out into the hallway.

"What has gotten in your head?  What were you thinking; telling your parents?" Nathan was really mad. His face was even getting red.

"I didn't want to blow up," I said quietly.

"Well you shouldn't have...  wait, what?!" Nathan asked. 

"Doctor E. gave me this necklace that has a bomb and a tracker, so if I didn't tell my parents, I would blow up," I said, glad to let it out. "Wait you said a tracker. So Doctor E knows where the agency is?" asked Nathan. I nodded.

We went back to Ed's office and Nathan quickly whispered something in Ed's ear and he whispered back.  Nathan got his walkie-talkie and called someone.  Angela and Jordan, another set of partners, came and took my parents away. They protested but the agents were much stronger than my parents.

"Wow.  Okay, so what about a bomb? And how does Doctor E know where we are?" Ed asked.

I stepped forward and said, "This necklace contains a bomb and a tracker if I try to take it off it will explode."

"I see," said Ed scratching his chin. "Well, we'll figure out what to do about that bomb and tracker, but first we need to deal with your parents."

"Sir," Nathan started. "If she has a tracker then Doctor E knows where we are and he probably will come and attack."

Ed's eyes widened and he turned on the main mic and said, "We have a Code Red."

This had never happened before so nobody knew what to do. The agency went into a frenzy.  Since spies were taught to never worry, everyone tried to do what they thought they should do.  After a few minutes, the intruder alarm sounded and everyone went to the weapons room.  I got two guns and ran to the entrance with Nathan right beside me.  We ran outside, hiding behind a tree and bushes. There was a helicopter circling around the agency. There were like twenty men that had broken through the wall. Agents were creating barriers. There were some agents shooting up at the helicopters and others fighting the ones on the ground. I shot the helicopter a few times then ran out and started shooting men and hitting them in the head trying to knock them out. My gun got kicked out of my hand and a man came at me. I did a backflip and grabbed a stick on the ground. I swung at the man and he ducked. We continued like that kicking, swinging, and dodging. We kept shooting at them and they shot at us. I fought at least fifteen men and women. I was getting tired. Then someone came shooting like a maniac. All the agents ducked. Some of Doctor E.'s men got hit. I looked around to see who was shooting and was embarrassed to see it was my dad.  I ran up to him and pulled him back into the building.

"What in the world dad! Go back and stay with mom. And give me the gun." I told him.

He was disappointed but he did and the battle continued. Men and women went down but the fight went on. In my opinion, it wasn't much of a battle. Doctor E. had underestimated us. He must have thought we were a very small agency. It had only been like ten minutes and we had already shot down their helicopter and captured all the men except for ten. In two minutes we had those last ten men. Either Doctor E. had totally underestimated us or he changed his mind on taking over the agency today.

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