The Truth

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When we arrived at my house Nathan carried me to my room with my mom in tears behind him. I felt bad for my parents. For the first accident, this was big. Nathan laid me in my bed.

"I'll visit every day," Nathan said

   He kissed me on the forehead before he left. I smiled. That kiss had been very unexpected but I liked it. I did like Nathan and I knew he liked me but we had never gone farther than friends. My dad showed Nathan out and my mom came close.

"I'm so glad you're okay. You need to rest now. I will bring you something to eat and drink."

My mom came in later with a tray. There was orange juice and a bowl of soup. I ate it slowly. Then my mom left and told me to rest. I fell asleep. I dreamed of my mission for Doctor E. I imagined Nathan looking at me horrified that I had betrayed everyone. I also imagined how my parents would react when I told them I was a spy.

I woke up the next morning rested and I felt stronger. The sun was shining in my window. I heard whispers and I looked around the room. My two sisters, Marie and Luciana, were standing in the doorway. When they saw I had woken up the came over to my bed. Marie set a tray on my lap. There was orange juice and toast.

"Thanks. It's good to see you guys." I said smiling at them. "We missed you and we worried a lot about you," Marie said. "I thought I would never see you again." Said Luciana shyly. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

They told me how my parents had freaked out. In case you were wondering Marie is 11 and Luciana is 8. But if you hadn't met them you would have thought Marie is 13 or 14 and Luciana is 10 or 11.

Ok, now back to my life. I started to recover little by little. Nathan visited every day for the first three days but then became very busy in spy business so he couldn't visit me anymore.

It was midnight when I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes to see Luciana crying.

"Maggie, Maggie I had a bad dream! I dreamt that there was a bad guy chasing us and he got mom and dad cause they were to slow." She said trembling.

I made space for her on my bed and she hid under the covers. I pulled the covers down and told her that I would never let a bad guy take mom, dad or anyone. Eventually, she fell back asleep but I stayed up hoping that the dream would never come true. I decided I would tell my parents as soon as I got better.

After a month my leg was totally healed so I decided it was time to tell my parents my secret. I called a family meeting and waited for everyone to sit down. I told them not to freak out and said that I was a spy. At first, they didn't believe me then I told them the whole story leaving out T.S.I.

Secrets RevealedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora