How it all Started

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Ok, now since we're safe let me tell you a little about myself. I am Maggie and I'm a secret spy. Luckily my family doesn't know about it because my boss Ed said it would be safer. He was probably right.

Getting into detail I was born in a crazy safe family, so if I told them I was a spy they'd probably tear the agency down with their teeth. My parents are safety freaks. It drives you crazy after a while. This is what my life looks like. No skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, skiing, or snowboarding. Basically, I can't do anything fun in my life. I was so lucky to be able to do gymnastics. Nobody in my whole family, from my great grandfather to his great grandfather to his great grandfather to... well you get it ... has ever gotten a bruise or a scratch. Or so they say. Don't say I sound evil but you can't help getting a bruise if you're a spy. Since we are spies, our very first regulation is secrecy. So if I get a bruise I cover it with makeup and if I get hurt the agency makes up a story. The next regulation is to make sure nobody finds out about the agency or even have a suspicious. We've learned to not be so popular in school so we don't attract attention.

Let me tell you about how I became a spy. It all started when we had a break-in. I woke up to the sound of someone in the kitchen. Thinking it was one of my parents; I got up to see what he/she was doing. The light was off so I turned it on. I was shocked! There in our kitchen stood a man dressed in black. I stood there in awe trying to figure out how he got in through all the padlocks. I had no idea how many padlocks my parents had put on all the doors but I knew it was A LOT. I snapped out of it when he started moving towards me. I looked around for some kind of weapon. On the other side of the room, there was a bamboo stick. My mom like sticks for some reason. By then I had started gymnastics and was pretty good at it. I did a backflip back to the shelf surprising the robber. I grabbed the bamboo stick and took a step toward him. The guy smiled a smile that said: "how can a kid hurt me with a stick?" I held the stick out in front of me and he took a step closer. I had no idea how to fight but I had watched a few movies with some fighting in it so I had an idea of what to do. Besides how hard is it to whack someone with a stick? I quickly swung the stick hitting him in the gut. He stepped back surprised but appeared as if the hit didn't hurt him as much as I had hoped it would hurt him. He made an attempt to grab me but I sidestepped and whacked him on the back. I quickly stepped back to avoid his attempts to grab me. I swung my stick taking his feet out from under him. I grabbed a rope from the shelf and tied him up. I ran to the phone and called 911.

"Hello. What is your emergency?"

"Hello, I have a man here tied up who tried to break in. Come to East Oak Lane." I hung up, walked over to the guy and leaned down taking the gun from his belt. I put it on safety without the guy knowing and pointed the gun at him until the cops came.

A few minutes later I heard sirens and my parents came out half asleep. When they saw me their eyes grew wide. Very wide! They stood there in awe as the police took the man away. One of the cops asked me some questions about what had happened. Then there was one man that didn't seem to be with the police. He came up to me and asked me a bunch of questions. I didn't trust him but I thought it would be a bad idea to refuse to answer his questions. There my spy life began.

The next day the same man took me out of school along with another kid. He told us we had the ability to become spies and that we would train together every day after school. Apparently, we both thought it would be cool so we didn't object. After that, we trained together after school every day. Now I've been on a lot of missions with my forever partner. Ever since I started my training I've dreamed of becoming a captain. Well, back to the story.

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