Part 3: Graduation Ceremony

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Pulling into the already crowded parking lot on Jefferson High School, my palms started sweating immediately. My daily tormentors stood outside the auditorium laughing and giving each other high-fives. They consisted of three boys Alex Baker, the ring leader, along with his minions Todd Roberts, Dane Myers, Carla James head cheerleader, and Raleigh Benson co-captain.

I never knew why these people despised me so much and as time passed I stopped trying to understand why. Ignoring the small voice in the back of my head that was screaming at me to run for the hills I stepped out of the car. I was determined not to let anyone ruin today for me and my Nana. I walked around to the passenger side and opened Nana door. Grabbing Nana's hand I tried to disregard their snide comments but Alex was ruthless like always.

“Lillian, you're not welcome here,” Alex sneered using his name that he has called me since the 7th grade.

“Losers don't belong on the same stage as us,” Carla added with venom in her voice. Dane and Todd burst out into a fit of laughter. Raleigh stood to the side in absolute silence twirling a strain of her hair around her finger. To me, she always seems out of place whenever I saw her with Carla and the rest of the gang. Raleigh was never the one to start the torment towards me or any of the other people that they thought were less than them.

“Young man hasn't your parents taught you any manners? You and your little friends have tortured my granddaughter enough. Today is her special day, and I refuse to let anyone taint it or her happiness any longer. Now move out of the way before things get really ugly, and I promise you that you won't like me when I get provoked,” Nana says standing in front of me like I was a helpless adolescent child.

I was totally shocked when I hear Nana taught with authority in her voice. I always knew that my Nana could have a mean streak, but I've never witnessed it firsthand. The biggest shocker was when I see Alex, the school bully cower to an elderly lady without uttering a snide comment back.

“Alex, I know both your parents very well, so please keep that in mind before you do anything stupid,” Nana says. She then patted Alex on the back with a serious look on her face before capturing my hand and continue into the massive auditorium.

Kissing Nana on the cheek I walked backstage where everyone else was with my cap and gown in my right hand. I stood in a far corner while Alex and his goon squad staring holes into me. Their stares were completely hilarious to me now I felt as though I could conquer anything at that moment.

In the background, I hear principal Richards addressing the audience and trying to crack a joke that no one bothered to laugh at. I've always wondered why he felt the need to embarrass himself every time we had a large gathering. He always told the same lame jokes and did this weird thing with his eyes when no one responded the way that he thought they should.

Vice-principal Mrs. Joyner finally took pity on the audience and ushered Mr. Richards off the stage and began the ceremony. Our graduation class was the largest to graduate from Jefferson High School in the past decade. My legs begin to wobble as Mrs. Joyner called my name over the loud intercom. Nana cheered and clapped as I walk across the stage to receive my diploma.

Luck must be really on your side today I hear Carla sneered at me while Alex looks on with anger in his eyes. Without breaking my stride, I walked straight past them in triumph from knowing this would be the last time I would ever have to be in their presence.

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