Chapter 10: The Longest Ride

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Liam's POV…

I was a nervous wreck while Ashley chattered nonstop in her car seat, firing questions one after another one. Life seems to always know when to shatter your dreams and aspiration into billions of tiny, little pieces with little or no hope for a happy future. I dreaded going back into the one place that holds so many of my most unpleasant memories. I've had to say goodbye to both of my parents and my wife there. I fear yet again what awful ordeal awaits me when I enter its treacherous hold.

I've merely just begun feeling some sort of genuine happiness only for it to be snatched away from me by an invisible thief. “I'm not giving up this time without a fight,” I say looking at my reflection staring back at me in the pristine glass sliding doors of my torture chamber, Mercy Hospital. Taking a deep calming breath I walked through the hospital doors holding on tightly to Ashley's hand right up to the front desk.

There behind the desk sat an elderly lady with her glasses perched high upon her nose and a tight-lipped smile on her weary face. Her salt and pepper hair was pulled into a tight bun pinned at the nape of her neck. “May I assist you, young man?” She asked in a loving, motherly tone that didn't match her outwardly facial expression.

I began looking around the waiting room thinking maybe she was referring to someone else. After not seeing any else close by I knew then that she was talking to me. “Yes, I'm looking for a Lily Carmichael.”

“Young man, she's in room 208.” She says in a warm response. I dashed towards the elevator in a rush with Ashley in my arms. The ride on the elevator seemed very long and torturous making me contemplate on whether I could go through this all over again. My precious daughter so humbly reminded me that we needed Lily just as much as she needed us. Her words compelled me to put all my fears aside and walk through the door.

Upon looking down at her angelic face sleeping peacefully tears of joy fell from my eyes. At the same time, Ashley was struggling to free herself of the stronghold that I had on her. Placing her on the floor, I watched her closely as she walked up to Lily and placed a tender kiss on the back of her left hand. Small droplets of tears fell from her eyes as she held onto Lily's hand. A pain so heart-wrenching grabbed a hold of me after watching my baby girl cry mercilessly while begging Lily to open her eyes.

“Ms. Lily, please wake up and call me your pretty little princess. You promised me that you would never abandon me!” Ashley continued to plead.

I didn't think my heart could shatter any more than it already had, but I was mistaken. Looking into my daughter's distraught face I literally felt like I was being ripped into billions of pieces. I realize for the first time that Ashley and I would both be devastated if Lily was taken away from us. 

My precious Ashley would experience first hand the pain of losing someone that she truly cared for. The thought of that happening seems to be ripping down these well-built walls that I had placed up so many years ago one by one.

Kneeling on both my knees in front of Ashley, I wiped her tears. I've been trying so hard to prevent her from finding out about the harsh truth of this world. I knew it was physically impossible to shelter her from everything out there. One of them being death but that never stopped me from trying to do everything that I possibly could to keep her safe and feeling loved.

“Daddy, why isn't she waking up?” She inquired with pleading eyes.

“Ashley, honey” I called out while clasping her small hands firmly in mine. “Princess, I believe that Lily is just exhausted and needs to rest more than anything right now. I'm certain she wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to see the most beautiful little girl in this world! So let her sleep for a little while longer, princess,” I say pinching her cheeks playfully bringing back her beautiful, infectious smile.

“Can I lay down on the bed beside her daddy, please?” Ashley asked with pleading eyes.

“I'm not sure if that would be a good idea sweetheart,” I say.

“I promise daddy I'll be extra careful. I won't hurt her; I just want to be near her,” Ashley pleaded again except this time she presented me with her charming smile.

“I'm certain your mother would definitely love that. I know if I had a precious daughter like you I wouldn't mind it at all.” I hear from the same elderly lady from earlier coming to stand next to Ashley, smiling warmly and saying to me more than Ashley.

“Daddy, please let me lay down beside mommy. Mommy needs me,” she says while tugging on my hand frantically in tears.

“I guess it's ok princess but only if you promise not to hurt her and not to make too much noise,” I finally say giving in to her demands.

“I promise daddy!” She replies in excitement while jumping up and down.

Picking her up I placed her on Lily's right side. I watched her reach up and kissed Lily tenderly on her cheek before winding her arms around Lily's waist. She then lay her head on her chest, smiling broadly.

“Your wife is such a lucky young lady to have such a precious daughter and a handsome husband standing next to her.” The elderly lady says coming to stand next to me.

“She's not her mother,” I replied in a faint whisper that was low enough for Ashley not to hear but loud enough for the elderly lady at the same time.

“That may be true son but in her little heart and mind that how she feels towards that young lady laying on that bed. Your daughter loves and speaks to her like a daughter talks to her mother. Lily must be a pretty remarkable lady to evoke such strong feelings from your daughter, son, and from the looks of it, the same thing goes for you too. Whatever you do, please cherish the time that you all have together because life is way too short for regrets.” The elderly lady responded before her cold expression returned just as she patted me on my shoulder and walked back out of the room.

I sat in the chair in a remote corner of the room with my head planted firmly in my hands. I sat there thinking about mines and Lily's life in particular. I knew all too well how true those words were that the elderly lady had just spoken. 

Looking over at the two most important people in my life lay sleeping peacefully just like a mother and daughter would. I knew there would come a day when I will have to talk to Ashley about her mother, but I hoped it would be much later. Time seems to be forcing me to do it sooner, though. 

Picking up the chair I walked closer to the bed on the left side of Lily setting it down. I leaned forward placing a kiss on both of their foreheads. Sitting down I lay my head on the bed and began to pray for us to get through whatever this is together.

Lily's POV...

Waking up I felt faint and groggy. I also felt a slightly heavy weight pressing down on my chest causing me to become alarmed. I slowly looked down and noticed a beautiful set of curly hair lying on my chest. Ashley's slender arms lay nestled around my stomach. A smile spread across my face from seeing her next to me. 

I instantly looked around the room trying to locate her extremely handsome father. I didn't have to look very far because there he was with his head laying on the bed beside me. His hand was holding mine firmly while he slept peacefully. Happiness and safety-filled me completely as I lay back and continued to observe them while they slept.

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