Chapter 6 : Lost

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Mandy POV...

I felt like I was somewhere in between uncertain places like the living and I'm not even sure of what the other place was. I guess you could say it was limbo. 

Even though I was not completely alone, I still felt at peace for once. I felt like there was no one here trying to take away something from me. It seems as if everyone here was searching for themselves at the same time as me.

Looking into their eyes was like looking into my own as they were empty. I knew in the back of my mind that this didn't seem right. However, I really didn't care because I just wanted to disappear. I wanted to be at peace at least for a little while and not have to worry about anyone but myself.

Walking down a long white hallway I can see many doors on both sides and each one has something different painted on them. They were beautifully decorated with handcrafted designs. That made me feel at peace with my surroundings. 

I walked closer to a familiar drawing on one door and wonder was I dreaming. I looked at it closely. It was a drawing that my father had drawn for me the day before he left me in a cold world all alone. 

Tears streamed down my face as I traced my fingers across the face that once used to belong to me from so long ago. I felt frozen in place when I heard the one voice that I thought I would never hear again.

I trembled in fear as I turned around hoping and praying I was not just imagining what I heard. Reaching out my shaking hands and touching the stubble on his face that he always kept neatly trimmed. If this was a dream then I never wanted to wake from it. I thought with pure joy boiling on the inside of me ready to burst like a volcano.

“I miss you, baby girl.” I heard my dad say as he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheek.

“Daddy!” I wailed over and over again because that was the only word that I could get out of my mouth at that very moment.

“I'm here baby girl. Please don't cry, you know your old man never could handle seeing you cry.” He said near tears himself.

“Daddy, how could you leave me like this, having to fend for myself?” I screamed pounding on his chest. Why did you go away? Was I not good enough for you to stay around?

“Stop that Mandy! You know it was never my intention to leave you, honey,” he said with a stern and serious look on his face.

My lips began trembling uncontrollably as I heard his voice take on an even more serious tone as he said: “Mandy baby girl this is not a place that you should be, you have to leave this place immediately.”

“No I will not leave you, daddy,” I say as I feel my heart breaking all over again. “Don't you love me, daddy? How could you do this to me again?”

My eyes felt like a waterfall as my tears kept flowing from feeling like I wasn't wanted by anyone, yet again. It felt like I was losing myself, not that it really matters at this point. “Why does everyone seem to abandon me?” I yell at my father.

“Baby girl, I didn't abandon you. I have always been there with you.” My father says holding my hands In his and caressing them.

I laughed bitterly because his concern for my safety seemed absurd to my ears. “Daddy was you there when all mom's boyfriend raped me every time they felt like it? Were you there all those times when I tried killing myself? I'm so tired of people always coming into my life until they decide they don't want to be there anymore.” I raged on.

“Mandy honey you cannot stay here! Please, baby girl, you have to go back home. Mandy, your mom needs you right now.” I hear him say as if what I was and has gone through was no big deal.

“What about what I need? Daddy who's going to be there for me and take care of me?” I screamed in pain and agony from always having to care for everyone else. “Please, daddy don't send me back to that hellhole,” I begged and pleaded with him.

“You have to go back baby girl, it's not your time! You can't be selfish and just think about yourself sweetheart. It's time for you to grow up and put the past behind you.” My father says in a cold and heartless tone of voice that shattered my mental state even more.

“Why can't I be selfish just for once in my life? Weren't you selfish when you left me and mom alone to fend for ourselves? You're not my father. The father I remember would never push me away like this.” I screamed at the stranger and walked the other way. The further I walked into the darkness the longer the hallway became. Finally, I'm thrust into a room of pitch blackness with a small light surrounding a young girl cuddling up in a corner. Her knees were pulled close to her chest while she cried mercilessly surrounded by an older woman.

The little girl looks to be a few years older than me when I was at the age of losing my dad. Her face looks a bit familiar, but I just couldn't place where I knew her from. Big-fat tears fell from her eyes as she sat there crying. I heard her asking someone called Nana why the world was not fair as she continued to wail uncontrollably.

“Nana, why would mom leave me behind like this?” She asked into the silence. I knew all too well what she was feeling. I watched as a slender female stood by her in the shadows longing to touch her. I felt a little jealous, at least she had someone there loving and caring to look after her. 

Something strange passed through me as the dark shadow turned around to face me. Oddly I felt a strange connection to the female shadowy figure.

I stood frozen in place as she approached me and stared into my eyes. She touched the right side of my face and wiped a lone tear from my eyes that I didn't even know were there. She pulled me into a tight embrace and whispered “you are loved” and just like that, I'm being pulled away, being forced to leave her alone.

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