Chapter 20: Drama

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We went out to dinner. It's Me, Carter, Lucy, Ryan, Cody, Alec, Rachel, Ryder, Kyle, and Sierra.

"Where now? We can't get drunk." I say.

"Let's hit Walmart." Carter says.

We all go strutting into Walmart and we wander around.

"Let's find our albums!" Cody says. We go running down the aisles and people look at us in disgust.

We go running down the aisles and people gape at us.

My mother should've known better than to give me a night out.

We find out album and Sierra produces a sharpie. I take it and we all sign every album.

"There's a phone for the intercom!" Kyle says.

"Let's play music!" I say. I take out my phone and go on video. "How to play music at Walmart." I say into the camera, and everyone crowd behind me. I take Carter's phone and get a loud ass rap song and I pick up the intercom phone and blast the song through it, over the intercom, and we dance around with the song blaring.

I hear hurried footsteps and I slam the phone down.

"What do you guys think you're doing?"

I whip around. I'm the one that's going to get in trouble.

I stop the video. "Just making the place more entertaining." I smile.

His eyes widen slightly as he soaks in our faces. "Oh. My apologizes, Mrs. Harris." He says.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Um...thanks?"

"Do you need anything?" he asks.

I look at everyone behind me and they all smirk.

"" I say.

He nods and walks off. I turn around.

"What the hell just happened?"

"We danced in Walmart."

"They're here?" I hear a girl screech.


All of us freeze and then I hear footsteps and a scream. I spin around to meet the eyes of a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes.

She runs at me and envelops me in a hug.

"Oh my god! You smell like Strawberries! Even better than I imagined!"

"Uh...thanks..." I hug her back awkwardly.

She lets go of me and looks at Carter. "Does her orgasm smell like strawberries?"

My jaw goes slack, along with everyone else's. "Please answer." She begs.

"Um..." Carter starts scratching the back of his neck. "That's kind of personal..."

"Please answer!" her eyes well with tears.

She wants to know if my cum smells like Strawberries...

"I'm not answering that." Carter says.

She actually starts crying. "When did you start your period?" she asks me.

"When I was a kid..." I mutter.

"Will you sign my breasts?"

Holy shit, she's crazy.


"Will you sign my arm?"


She hands me a sharpie and I sign her wrist.

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