Chapter 11: Stupid paps and doctors appointments

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Three days later Lucy comes running into the house with a huge grin on her face. "I'm having a girl!" she grins. Rachel follows her. "Me too!"

"How do you know?" I ask hopefully.

"We went to the doctor and got an ultrasound-we're far enough for the jell and not the dildo- and the doctor said I'm having a girl!" Lucy squeals.

"We're going to the doctor." Carter says.

Just like that, we go racing to the doctors.

He lets us in first.

"Hows the asthma?"

"I haven't had one attack since I became pregnant." I yell him proudly. He grins.

"That's great. Truly. That means your asthma has approved."

I smile.

"Let's check up on the baby, yes?"

Me and Carter yawn. I lie down and lift my shirt and he puts on jelly that makes me suck in a breath because it's cold, and then he uses the wand.

"There's the baby." He says. "It's healthy." He adds.

"Can we know if it's a son or daughter?" Carter demands.

He doesn't answer, but he's moving the wand all around and then he stops. "Do we want to know?" he asks. Both of us nod rapidly. "It's a boy. See? That's his penis." He points.

We talk about other things and he answers some of our questions and then we leave.

Everyone is at our house when we get home.

Dammit, I think. I was hoping we could have sex.

Carter looks so excited.

"Did you find out the sex?" Lucy demands. "We're all having girls!"

"Well not all of us." I say.

"It's a boy?" Mom asks.

Carter and I grin and nod.

Everyone starts cheering.

"I was hoping you'd say that!" Mrs. Harris gushes. "I got a little excited when I found out I'm having a grandbaby. Come here! Sit!" she pushes me and Carter onto the couch. "I didn't know if you were having a boy or a girl so I just got a ton of each." She says. She opens up a giant cardboard box that is so big it would fill up the bed of Mr. Harris's truck. "This one is the boy one." She says. "Look! Isn't this adorable!" she tosses little baby socks at us with baseballs on them, with footballs on them, and with basketballs on them, and then white, light blue, and dark blue socks.

"Aw, look babe, his little feet are gonna fit in these!"

Carter grins.

"And I saw this and I reminded me of you, Carter, and it's a boy and if he's anything like you, this'll be his attitude!" she tosses the onesie at Carter and it's completely black and all it says is lock up your daughters.

All of us start laughing.

"And then I couldn't resist." She hands me a blue onesie that says what happens at grandma's stays at grandma's. "And then this!" she hands me a light blue onesie that says Sweet little cookie. "And this his parents are famous musicans so I had to get this!" she hands Carter two white long sleeve onesies that are white with black and white striped sleeves. There's a guitar on one and the end of the guitar on the other. "And then I loved this for you, Roxy!" she hands me a black onesie that says Mommy's new man. I laugh softly. I'm so excited. "And then Roxy, you wear combat boots so much that I just had to get this." She hands me a white short sleeve onesie that says My hero wears combat boots. "And then this was a bit nautical but still perfect." She hands Carter a sleeveless onesie that is blue and white striped. "And this is in case he goes to award shows with you guys or something!" she hands me a white onesie with eighteen different bowties to pick from. "And then there's this!" she hands me a t-shirt with a money on the sleeve an money overalls. "And I just loved this because of your crazy fans!" she hands it to Carter. It's black and says "sorry ladies, my Daddy's taken." We're all excited. "And then there's this." She lifts up a huge box that made the box that holds everything full. It's a whole crib bedding set. "I was so tempted to get you guys a crib, but I thought I should let you get something for your baby." She pauses. "Oh, and I got you pacifiers and a ton of diapers and bottles." She rambles.

I'm starting to get emotional.

And then the craziest thing happens. I feel a weird feeling inside my womb. It's like a little tickle. I gasp, choking on a sob and my head snaps down, my eyes locking on my belly. I feel it again.

"What?" Carter demands.

"He moved!" I say, grabbing his hand.

"He did?" he demands, resting both of his hands on my tummy. "I want to feel!"

All of us sit silently and wait. I feel it again.

"Did you feel him?" I demand.

"No!" he whines.

"It's okay." Mrs. Harris says. "I was the only one that could feel you for about a month. Patience." She turns to Rachel and Lucy. "You girls can go through the girl box. Obviously Roxy and Carter don't need it."

"Let's go baby shopping!" Mom gasps. "We can take the tour bus and go to Babies R Us and we can get everything for the babies!"

I look at Carter with hope in my eyes. He nods, agreeing, and we all take off.


Taking the bus was a horrible idea. It's a magnet for the paps and fans.

When we get off, we're swarmed.

"How are along are you?"

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"Are you having twins?"

Carter puts both hands on my shoulders and leads me inside, refusing to answer any questions. Bruce and Ricky are shouting at people to get back, surround me, Rachel, and Lucy protectively.

We get inside and Carter gets frantic, checking me for injuries. "Are you okay? Do you need your inhaler?"

"No." I shake my head. "I'm good."

Carter and I wander around and we get everything we could possibly need. We get strollers and blue paint and a black wooden crib and a rocking chair and teddy bears and blankets and a changing table and a Mickey Mouse garbage and more bed sheets and we get a dresser and a ton of other things. We get a breast pump and it's so much fun and we're like two kids in a candy store.

We fend off the crowds, the bags carefully wrapped so they can't see the blue, and we get back on the bus.

Carter and I go home with everyone and we all paint the room, but I leave and go lie down in bed because my lungs feel heavy. I breathe carefully and the feeling disappears and I grin because I got rid of the asthma attack.

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