Chapter 15: Idiot media

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I went home, changed my clothes, and when Kyle showed up, I got him to babysit, and I went and got Carter the best lawyer.

He told me it was ridiculous for them to take him to jail when I was already eleven centimeters dilated. He said they'll probably only keep him for the weekend, because it is Friday, and he said that it'd be okay and that Carter would be home soon.

When I went home, Kyle was finding something for lunch and Sierra was playing with the girls while burping Justin. I took him from her and took over her job. The triplets are four months now and they play on the carpet with toys, and they also grab anything and put in in their mouth because they're teething.

I text Bruce.

Me: we need an emergency meeting. Now. Don't call Carter.

Five minutes later, I'm getting a phone call of an emergency meeting.

"Is Jason here?" I ask.

"Yup. Why? What's up."

I sigh.

"Carter got arrested."


"What?" Bruce asks.

I explain everything that happened, I explain how I got a lawyer and how Kyle and Sierra are helping me with Justin.

"The media is going to make up some lie. I'm on yahoo and it's showing him being put into handcuffs right now and they're saying that it's because he killed someone."

"Oh god." I groan. "What do we do?"

"The only way to properly clear this up is an interview." Bruce says. "Or we could have you do a live video."

"Okay. How do I do that? I'll do it now while Justin's sleeping."

"I'll be over in ten minutes." Bruce says.

He ends the chat.

I put Justin in his crib and turn on the baby monitor, and then I get a text from Bruce.

Bruce: go on twitter and post a status that says: hey guys! I'm doing a video chat in my house in a half hour. Tweet me questions and I'll answer them

Me: okay

I go on twitter and tweet just that and I start getting replies really fast.

Bruce shows up and started setting stuff up.

"Just answer the questions. Someone asked why Carter killed someone. Just clear the air, okay?"

I nod.

We set everything up and at exactly a half hour, he starts the video. He gives me a thumbs up.

"Hey guys. I'm just gonna answer some random questions." I shrug and look at my phone. "@im_a_boss asked why did Carter murder someone?" I raise my eyebrows slightly, surprised what they're so brutal with their words. I sigh and shake my head and look right into the camera. "Carter didn't kill someone. That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard. Yes, Carter did get arrested, but he got arrested for running from the cops. He doesn't do bad things, but I was in labor and I was screaming. I was eleven centimeters dilated and he was speeding. When the cop turned on his sirens, he didn't stop because I was screaming and he knew if he did stop I would've just had the baby in the car." I keep going through my notifications. "@roxy_bitch..." I start laughing. "I like that. You asked if I had a girl or a boy." I hesitate and look at Bruce. "Can I tell them?"

"It's your kid." He shrugs.

I sigh. "I had a boy." I keep going through. "Where are you sitting?"

I frown. "I'm in me and Carter's room..." I frown and grab the camera. "I'll give you a tour." I say. I stand up and show them all around me and Carter's room. "This is the master bath." I show them. "This tub is my baby. I love this tub." I walk out of the master bath and head out of our room. "This is just a closet that I used to throw a ton of pointless shit in." My fans are used to my bad language. They like when I curse, so I just talk to them like I would talk to anyone else. "This is the son is sleeping in here..."

I open the door a crack and show them, and then I slip out of the room. "This is just another bathroom." I keep going. "this is the music room, where we write a lot of songs." I show them. "This is just another closet." I walk out of the room. "This is the theater." I say, and then I go downstairs. "Living room." I say. "My nieces. My brother girlfriend Sierra." She waves. I go into the kitchen. "My brother, Kyle, who I don't think you guys have ever even seen a picture of." I say, and then I hesitate. "Are you making pizza?"

"No..." he frowns.

"What are you making?"

"I was going to make spaghetti." He frowns. "Do you want pizza?"

"I always want pizza." I reply.

"You don't have things to make pizza." He frowns.

"Yes we do." I say.


"In the fridge and the pantry. Just wait and I'll help you."

"Wait." He says when I turn to walk out. I turn around.


"Is that live?"

"Yes, why?"

"Just wondering."

"You're an idiot." I mutter.

"Takes one to know one, Roxanne." He snickers. I roll my eyes.

"This is the pantry." I say, showing them the pantry. "Oh my god, Carter got me chocolate cake." I whisper.

"You guys have chocolate cake?" Kyle asks.

"Yes. It's mine. Don't fucking touch it or I'll cut your dick off and shove it so far down your throat that it'll come out of your goddamn ass."

He sighs and I exit the pantry. "This is the wine cellar." I say. "Which mostly has beer." I show everyone, and then I walk back to the living room. "This is the glass wall that I ran into." I say, and I press the button to raise it. It lifts. "This is the patio." I walk out of it. "The pool. Ha ha very funny, I know what you guys are thinking." I say. "The backyard." I say. "The bush the paps think we don't know they hide in." I walk back into the house and close the glass. "More bedrooms. More bathrooms." I hesitate. "The game room." I show them. I walk across the bottom floor to the front door. "This is outside." I show them. I go back in the house and go back to the kitchen and open the garage door. "The garage. The boxing stuff is mine." I say. I go back upstairs and plop down on me and Carter's bed. "All of you want to know my sons' name." I frown. "It's Justin Michael Harris." I announce.

I get a ton of notifications then. Show us Justin!

Please show us!

Please let us see him!

"I'm not gonna show him yet. I'll let you see a little part of him when Carter gets home."

If Carter gets home.

Bruce signals for me to get off the chat.

"Alright well I guess I have to go-"

Justin starts crying on the baby monitor.

"Motherhood is calling." I smile.

Bruce ends it and I go get Justin.

It's been about three hours since Carter was arrested and I'm already wanting him back.

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