Chapter 16: Freedom!

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I haven't said a word to my cellmate and he hasn't said a word to me. The beds are fucking metal with a mattress as thin as a sheet on it.

Like I'm going to fucking sleep when my Cinnamon is alone with Justin without any help. She better have called Kyle.

I see my cellmate through the dim lit lights of the jail. He has brown eyes, a short haircut with brown hair and he's huge, like six five, and he's really buff. I'm only six foot and I'm pretty buff myself, but this

He looks like he'll kill anyone that speaks to him.

"Trust me." I hear Cinnamon's voice in my head. "Become friends with your cellmate and you'll actually have fun. Do not get into fights. You'll get tazed and they'll just hold it against you in court."

I trust my Cinnamon more than I trust anyone, myself included.

Let's hope she's right...

"How long you in for?" I ask.

His intimidating brown eyes snap onto mine and he narrows them slightly. "Life." He grumbles.

Holy fuck!

I raise my eyebrows. "Why?"

"Because I was at a movie with my wife and four year old daughter and my wife and I were joking around in a fake argument about what movie to watch. Some stupid old ass lady got pissy and called the cops and lied and said I raped my wife and daughter. Now I'm fucking stuck here unless some saint comes up with five million to pay my bail."

"Shit." I run my fingers through my hair. "That really sucks, man."

"What are you in for?" he asks.

I roll my eyes. "My wife was in labor and she was eleven centimeters dialated. I was speeding and the cops were chasing me, but my wife was in pain. She and my son are more important to me than anyone, so I ran and I told them to punish me later."

"You got arrested for getting your wife to the hospital?" he asks.

"Yup." I sigh.

"This government is fucked."

"I agree." I reply.

"I'm never gonna get to see my wife and daughter again because some grandma got pissy. Do you know how bad my heart hurts right now?"

"I know because I feel it too." I sigh. "What's your name?"

"Dexter Blaine." He says. "Call me Dex." I nod. "What's yours?"

"Carter Harris." I reply.

His eyes widen slightly. "Well this is a surprise." He laughs. "It's so dark in here that I didn't even recognize you."

"How long have you been in here?" I ask.

"A year." He says.

"Holy shit." I reply.

He nods. "I know."

"What's your wife's name?"

"Alice." He says.

"What about your daughter?"

"It's Lucille." He says. "We call her Lucy."

"That's my wife's best friend's name."


My phone is ringing wildly and I sit up and look at the time, shouting a curse as I jump in the shower, ignoring the phone call from Lucy. I pull a loose tan sweater over my black bra and rake a brush through my hair and pull on jeans and sweep all of my hair onto my left shoulder.

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