Hershel, Beth and Carl believed the quieter man, Castiel, was a bit weird, they didn't know if it was a good weird or a bad weird. Every time he went to speak, he would get cut off by the tall man who's name was Sam.

Beth leaded the way into the cell block, followed by Carl and Hershel stayed at the back close to the Winchester's and their friend. He stopped just before the entrance of the cell block.

"Just let me speak to Rick. He's the leader of the group, wait here until I call you bunch out."

The three complied, Sam set Diego down on the floor and the little girl couldn't stop beaming with excitement. She had found one of her brothers and her best friend. To say she was over the moon would be an understatement.

"Cassy, is you still an angel?" Diego asked innocently.

"For now, but my angel radio stopped working a long time ago... that's why I couldn't find you sooner."

"I can't wait for you to meet my daddy."

"Is he nice to you?"

"Yeah! He even letted me draw on the table cause Ricky said not to draw on the walls and floor no more." The three were silent for a moment before they heard Hershel call for them to come out.

They did as they were told and Diego ran straight to Rick and gave him a hug, which shocked Sam. His sister was never one to trust many people, just like him and Dean. Dean. He made a note to remember to ask her about him later.

"Sam, Castiel, I'm Rick Grimes, can I ask you some questions?"

"Yeah sure."

"How many walkers have you killed?"

"Uh, I don't know, a lot" Sam replied.

"How many people have you killed?"

"Before or after?"

"Stop stalling and just answer the damn question!" Rick yelled in irritation. It was obvious that he had something else plaguing his mind at the time.

"Your bossy, and short."

"SaMUeL!" Diego shrieked in embarrassment. Of course she expected sass from Dean, but not from her Sammy.

"Uh, I honestly don't know... I stopped counting after it got to double digits."


"Cause were in a whole world of bad.. and its just getting badder."

Seeming somewhat satisfied with the answer Sam had given him, rick stared at the two newcomers. One looked tough, and the other, well, not so much. Rick was intrigued by their story, however, something else caught his attention as he looked at Castiel.

"What about you?" he pointedly asked Castiel. Sam went to answer again, but he got cut off by Rick almost immediately. "Why aren't you talking?"

"My people skills are rusty" Cass replied with a little confused glance towards Sam, to which the taller man nodded in encouragement. "... and your asking stupid questions."

Ricks eye twitched as he set his hands on his hips and glared at the man. He honestly couldn't see what diego saw in this man.

"Ricky? Can I go get daddy? To shows him Sammy and Cassy?" Diego asked innocently. But rick couldn't agree, he didn't know these men, they could be a danger to his family, to his children.

"No, well take them to their room first"

"Ooh, can they sleeps in my cell? Or the one next to me, it's your choice!" She rambled.

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