Chapter 13, Is that Shane?!?!?!?!

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I sit next to Abigail in the limo, but I get a bit smooshed against the door because everyone is sitting tightly next to each other. Atleast no one is sitting on my lap. Thank fudge we got a bigger limo.

"What times it?" Sam askes, looking over Abigail's shoulder, peering at my watch.

"Not late enough." I scoff. "I wish it was already lunch time. I didn't get to finish my Cheerio's because the big old Cheese Russian dragged us in the car." I say a bit angry, crossing my arms.

"Very cringy pun." Abigail say pulling a face. "But yeah, that dude is super dodgy."

"Guys? Aren't you afraid that he can hear you?" Sam wispers, covering his mouth.

Just when I wanted to answer a loud voice came from the limo speakers in full volume. We all clench our ears in pain.

"One, Mr. Hurley I can hear everything that is said in car and I see everything that happens in car. And two, we arrived at mall."

We all look around in the car, with shock and horror clearly written on our faces.

I think I'm gonna faint.

The car suddenly comes to a stop  and the little tinted window in the front of the car rolls down to show a emotionless Alexi staring back at us. All our faces turn pale.

"Get out." He says in a husky voice, it was more a threat than a command.

Believe me, If we could run out of the car we would. But instead we scurried out of the car, blinded by the sunlight and hundreds of teenagers with cameras.

As soon as we get out of the car and surrounded by bodyguards, I make my way to Abigail.

"I think we should get a new driver." I say tugging her arm. "And I should probably get a new pair of underwear."

She laughs histericle at me before replying to me with tears in her eyes. "Cash...I really didn't need to know that."

"Dido." Maverick says popping his head in the middle of me and Abigail.

"But guys, really. Do you think he is behind all this? He gets an A+++ for a murderer look and vibe." I say, a shiver running down my spine.

"But Cash, the person framing you didn't murder anyone. So you can't say he is a suspect. Duh." Abigail says face palming herself.

"Great! You just jinxed it!" I say angry.

"Cash, you are so childis-" Abigail says but got cut of by someon screaming on my right side.

"Stand back people!!!"

It's a bodyguard trying to fight back a wave of teenager girls. The girls are trying to take Mychael's hoodie of his head with their vicious manicured nails.

"Today's gonna be fun..." I mutter under my breath as we are all taken into the mall doors by the bodyguards to the Meet and Greet area.

Abigail P.O.V

We are now standing on a miniture stage in a medium sized room, with red and black chairs placed opsite from us.

There are 2 minutes before the doors open to release hundreds of teenager girls trampling each other over just to get a photograph.

I take a sip from my water that I just got out of a vending masjien and leen against the podiam in the middle of the stage.

"I don't handle good with stupid people or stupid questions." I say to Cash.

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