Chapter 10, I want a lawyer.

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Cash P.O.V

"I swear it's not mine!!" I practicly scream shocked.

That's not mine. What the hell???

"Then why is it in your bag?!" Mav screams at me, super angry, and tries to stand up to I asume choke the life out of me. Thank fudge we are all handcuffed.

"Mr Baker." The women says and death stares him.

"Sorry" he mutters and sits down eyeing me with a betrayal look.

"I'm sorry for all of you but we are gonna interagate everyone. And by that I mean your flight s canceled." The women says.

All of us scream and talk at the same time.

"No you can't do that!" Abigail screams. "That's not fair!!" Mav screams. "It's not mine." I shout angry at the old hag. "No, no, no, no, no, no...." Luke mutters. "Oh that's just great!" Brooke says sarcasticly. And ect..

We all stand up and try to run to the woman and "kill" her but the guards stopped us before we could.

"Sit and calm down!" She woman yells and we all become alarmingly quiet but Luke is stil muttering.

And I thought I was messed up...

"Mr Baker , your up first." She says and signals the guards and uncuff me and then they cuff Jackson to Seb.

After a few minutes I was taken to a small gray room with nothing but a table, 2 chairs an a mirror.

Why would they need a mirror? Weird...

The guards then put me on the chair and cuffs my hands to the back of the chair. I let out a moan of pain. The cuffs are digging in my wrists.

If I'm bleeding from this cuffs, I'm gonna sue for harassment.

The lady then sits at the other side of the table.

"Can I have a coffee?" I ask in a rude tone, because she ruined our vacation. The least she could do is give me a coffee.

"Along with an atitchude adjustment? Wel of course." She says scowling at me.

I give her a sarcastic smile and roll my eyes.

"Ok, were did you get this?" She askes holding up with gloves the little bag with white powder.

"I told you before and I'll tell you again, IT'S. NOT. MINE." I say in a harsh tone.

She scowls at me and continues. "Are you part of a gang?" She says cocking up her eyebrow.

I knit my eyebrows together because of her stupid ass question "Yeah sure, I'm part of the Mafia and your part of Ices." I say with sarcasm and roll my eyes again.

She quickly stands up and slap her hands on the table. "This is not a game!" She says and sits down again, while she loosens her uniforms color.

"Geez, than don't ask dumb questions." I say under my breath.

"Where were you the night of the 19th?" She askes with a few documents now in her hand, and the little bag to her right on the table.

"Yesterday? Oh we were at a recording studio at 6 or 7 in the morning then we went to Starbucks.." I said but she cuts me off.

"The night Mr. Baker. " She says still looking at me with her emotionless expression on her face.

"At home watching a movie" I say confused. "Why? What happend the 17th?" I say, a coldsweat now breaking on my forehead.

"A very dangerous group called Matones Peligrosos was drug dealing in the ally. We caught them all but one escaped with a piece of merchandise with him. His name is CJ Adams" She says.

"Oh great! So you guys think it was me!" I say very pissed.

"Not quite. Matones Peligrosos gang members have a wolf tattoo on their right arm. You don't, so can't exactly say it was you." She says and a wave of relieve rushes over me.

"But, your fingerprints are on the bag." She says holding the bag.

"Well you are dumb" I mutter.

"Excuse me?" She says kocking up an eyebrow.

"I said that it is easy to transfer someons fingerprints on something. I thought you were a detective." I say looking at her like she's a dumb 3 year old that I'm trying to teach something easy to.

She scowls at me. "At this moment you are our number one suspect."

My hart starts beating faster and my throat is suddenly so dry I can't swallow.

"Well I want a lawyer." I say wanting to cross my arms but I then realise I have these stupid cuffs and flinch of the pain.

"And that's why I came." A man says stumbling in the room. He has a elegant grey suite on with ravenblack shoes and a tie. He also has a slight Russian accent.

"Are you a genie? Do I get 3 wishes? Ok first I want to get out of here, second the old hag must turn in a frog or dissappear, and third-" I say joking but the dude cuts me off.

"I am Jack Michaels, your family lawyer." He says and quickly perfects his gelled, blond hair.

"How d-did you know I'm-" I say.

"They called your father, and he called me. But that's besides the point. Now," he says facing the witch, "he isn't part of the group. So he is set free until you get some real evidence. Take my information and contact me if you need anything." He says now smiling at her while she sighs.

"Wel yes your right." She states.

Yessssssssssss!!!!! Hawaii here I come!!.

"You can go but you are not aloud to fly until this case is solved."

Holly cheese balls.

*After a few hours everyone was back at the house and the other girls went home to*

We step in the front door and everyone, except Abigail, rushes off to their rooms.

"Dude, not cool" she says while grabbing my shoulder.

"I was framed I tell you!!" I say shrugging to let loose of his grip.

"We are missing a trip to Hawaiie because of you. I really wanted to spend some time with you." She says and gives me a weak smile.

"Please believe me, I'm innocent!" I pleed.

"I do believe you! Why wouldn't I? Your my friend." She says.

The word stings in my heart and my mind and it rings in my ear.


"Yeah, friend." I say giving her a weak smile.

She gives me a hug and rubs my back in circles to calm me.

After a few seconds I pull away.

"Doesn't that guy seem fishy to you?" I ask.

"You mean Jack? As in the hot, blond Jack Michaels?" She askes.

I make a disgusted face at her.

"Do you think he is hot?"

"Nah, I just wanted to see how you react, 10 out of 10. Plus one for your disgusted face" She says laughing.

"Hahaha your so funny." I say giving her a sarcastic smile. "But that's besides the point. He seems odd."

"What do you mean by odd?"

"Well for one I didn't know we had a family lawyer. And second he said my father called him."


"What do you mean and? Let's think logic. My father would have called me first before calling him. And my father also didn't call me now to yell my ears off. So that means my father dosn't know what happend, and he couldn't have called this Jack dude."

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