Chapter 12, Lord I'm to young to die.

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" Someon suddenly screams.

"Baby Jesus, Mary and a camel." I gasp and quickly sit up, with my eyebrows furrowed together.

"SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT" I hear the person scream again.

I look up at the wall clock.


I quickly jump out of bed, hopping like a grasshopper while I try to get my pink, fluffy slippers on my feet.

I run down the hall looking for the ass that just woke me up. A third scream, or should I say screams, filled the air and I instantly know it's from Sarah's room.

I stumble in, greeted with everyone's shocked eyes. Cash has a pillow in his hand, Sarah is ducking on the bed, Mav has a blanket over his hand and so forth.

I death stare Sarah "You better be dying or something that you woke me up, cause if your NOT I'm gonna choke you with my scrunchie."

*A/N, I'm NOT a vsco girl!*

No one is reacting to what I said, but I realise that everyone's atention is on the rooms right ceiling corner.

I look there and all I can see is a huge black spot.

"Don't move." Cash wispers, grabbing my hand and puts me at the back of him, shielding me.

I then step in front of him. "Why not?" I say talking loud. I then realise he is shirtless.

He has a slight trace of a sixpack.

Holy frick he is fricking sexy.

"Because that's why!!!" He screams.

I then realise the black thing is flying towards me.

"BATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!" I sceam and run out of the room with the bat right behind me.

Everyone also runs out of the room, al of them trying to catch it.

I run down the stairs while the thing is diving in on my head.

Pls don't eat me, I pray.

I then duck into the kitchen standing on the one end of the counter. Everyone then stumbles and heaps up in the kitchen door. Cash creeps slowly to me now with a basball bat in his hands. The dumb bat then sits on the other end of the counter,eyeing my head.

"Lord I'm to young to die." I wiper.

"Your headband" Cash says slowly pointing my head.

I kock my right eyebrow up in confusion. I then realise I have a white headband on with al kinds of fruit on it.

"Don't make me kill my headband" I plead Cash and the bat.

Cash then gives me a just do it look and I frown. I slowly take of my headband, with the bat observing my every move.

Maybe it's an eagle, Its as huge as one enyways.

I then hand my headband to Cash, slowly exchanging it to him for the baseball bat.

Cash then side steps me and slowly walks to the kitchen door.

I make hand signals to tell the rest to make path for him to go through, and they do.

When Cash reaches the house door , he opens it and then throws the headband outside. Everyone ducks and gasps when the bat flighs out the door following the headband onto the front garden. After the damn thing was gone Cash quickly locks the door.

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