Chapter 7, Starbucks.

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Abigail P.O.V

I run to the bathroom and lock the door. I start to cry. I don't know what to believe. Him or some girl? Aaah, my head is hurting so much right now, thubs of pain, and a broken heart.

I hear a sudden bang on the door. It could only be Cash.

"Abigail, I can explain. Please open up." He says, I hear desperation in his voice.

"Not a freaking damn Cash." I say in hurt.

"Please" he pleeds.

"Why? Why must I? What will you do?" I ask in total anger.

"I'll do whatever, I'll do whatever it takes..." he sings softly to me.

Wow, love hurts.

He really just sang that for me.

So I open the door to see a tiny tear in his eye. His face lights up at the sight of me.

"O come in." I say to him. I look like a damn mess.

He comes in and locks the door.

He takes hold of my hand and then just hugs me out of the blue.

I get loose of his grip from power out of nowhere. Probably the anger that is raging inside of me.

I the sit on the toilets lid.

"Really Cash, did you think I wouldn't find out?" I ask, struck with hurt.

I see the pain flash in his ocean eyes.

I turn my head, not wanting to let him see me cry and the disappointment in my eyes.

He then kneels to the ground.

"It's not what you think." He says softly grabbing my chin and ajusting my head so that it faces him.

"She is also a model. Her name is Olivia. Our shoot was there and we became friends. And yes she has a boyfriend, and it's not me. Google, Tick Tock or YouTube it if you don't believe me. I don't love her I......" he says but I stop him.

"But...but..." I stutter, not knowing what to say.

"No buts, Give me one reason why I would ever lie to you?" He says, giving me a smirk.

A smile is appearing on my face. He grabs both my hands and our blue eyes then cilide.

I give him a hug and I burst out of forgiving tears.

"I'm sorry Cash. I should have listend to you and not believe some girl..." I wisper to him, crying in his T-shirt. A wave of relieve rushes over me.

"It's fine." He says in a soothing tone."But do me a favor?"

He says standing up and gently pulling me up with him.

"Yeah?" I say looking up at the giant on front of me.

"Wipe your tears, and wash your face. You'll feel beter." He says looking me straight in the eye.

"Ok" I say.

He unlocks the door and opens it so that I can exit.

I make my way to the sink and I rinse my face, while Cash is sitting on the counter.

The sting of the cold water is like the healing to my pain.

The water washes away my bad thoughts and I automatically feel better.

I dry of my face.

I give Cash one last hug and a peck on the lips. He is now in starstruck, smiling and almost exploding mode. Seriously, he dosn't want to move.

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