"Mistress Noma, please don't—"

"Did I stutter?" He shakes his head breathing a soft 'no mistress'. "Didn't think so. Now get upstairs now!" He scrambles to his feet tripping across the stairs as he climbs them with speed. When he gets to the top he looks over his shoulder, lips pouting. He drags his hand across the rails and then disappears down the hall.

"Now tell me what all exactly happened last night," She laughs, no comicality evident in her tone. "I mean you two just disappeared without ringing anyone!" I lick my lips nodding slowly.

"It all happened so fast, and I just...I just didn't know what to do, what to say, and then next thing I know it—we're in the car speeding down the road to god knows where. We got to the Inn and checked in. I wanted to call I swear, but there were no phones and I also wanted to leave but..." I trail off. I massage my temple feeling a banger headache beginning to take root.

"I punished him and maybe I shouldn't have done it without being taught how to properly formulate a punishment. I just I don't know! I know what he did last night was horrible and wrong, but he has this...this—" God, am I babbling? Does any of this make sense? Am I even speaking proper English right now?

"Everyone was worried sick. You're a classified S ranked Dom and Ezra is a classified S ranked Sub, and those titles aren't going to just disappear. You have to be careful and what you did, what Ezra did. It was reckless and dangerous. You should have brought him back to the house as soon as he drove off," She says pointing at me. I feel the guilt bear down on me and curse my past self for caving so easily.

Noma drags her hand across my arm and says, "He is cunning Amanita, cunning and manipulative," She closes her eyes, long black eyelashes fanning across her cheek. "And he stops at nothing to get what he wants. You can't let him walk over you and yes it may be hard to do especially since you're new to all this. New to being a dom and being a submissive's caregiver, but the only way to learn is from your mistakes. You're in control and you need to remember that. Choices you make shouldn't endanger you or your submissive, keep that in mind for the future okay?"

"I'm sorry Noma."

"You're forgiven, now come on follow me. We'll be starting your lessons now, which I think will serve you well seeing as this lesson is related to relationship harmony and balance. Usually, I wait until a Dom is comfortable with the basics, but I think this lesson is needed. To help you grow and expand as a Dominatrix and help refine your mannerism and the way you approach things from now on." Noma slips her hand through mine, solid and grounding and the woman leads me down the hall and out the back door towards the Dom wing.

"So, you punished Ezra?" Noma questions with a quirk in her brow and a small tilt to her lip. The comfy air of July's heat tickles at the bare skin of my legs crawling up to rest at the tops of my thighs. I scratch at my shoulder meekly staring across the velvet green of the lawn.

"Yeah, I suppose I did." She stops walking hums once and then resumes her slow pace.

"Well spill the beans. What type of punishment did you do? How did it go?" Her eyes do this weird sparkle thing, and I find myself growing excited to share with the class.

"Well, I took a basic subtle approach... to his punishment," Noma gets the door swinging it open; motioning me inside the room. "First I made him acknowledge his fault by writing apology letters to everyone. I think they're still in the car." Noma rubs her chin nodding with her lips tucked between her teeth. She guides me up the stairs and towards the hall which holds our rooms.

"Interesting approach, not a bad punishment either, very tame actually. Not bad." She praises. When we finally get to her room, the woman wastes no time in flinging her door open and tossing herself like a rag doll on the large bed. She snuggles into the blankets nodding off into the sheets.

"And then I spanked him." Noma stiffens on the comforter, cracking one eye. She tries to sit up on the bed but her body refuses.

"Woah Mamacita, spanking?" She questions. She squirms under the blankets and her soft moans of content pierce through the material. Flooding the room, soaking into my ears. I walk over to the bed crawling onto the overly soft mattress. Wow, if a cloud was solid enough to sleep on. This would be it.

"That's bold especially since we haven't dabbled in the punishment category and how to execute them safely. I mean spanking a sub isn't just about hitting the booty. There are precautions that have to be followed. For example, heavy-hitting above the buttocks is a big no no. Around the upper ass near the waist is a dangerous zone because of kidneys. And one should stay away from the tailbones and spines. When I spank a sub, I aim for the lower portion around where the top of the thighs are."

"I read about that in a beginners guide article actually. Just skimmed through it but picked the important bits out of it. I used that as my platform. Was that stupid?" Noma looks surprised before shaking her head in the mountain of pillows.

"Some of those articles are actually helpful depending on the source, and some are just full of bs. It's like a fifty-fifty, thank goodness you actually got a decent one right?"

"Yeah thank god for that. Anyway, during the spanking I let my aura slip past some cracks and I think I spooked Ezra. He called his safe word and freaked. Like I know I'm not an expert on these relationships and whatnot, but I really think Ezra's previous Dom..." Noma waves her hand and I bite my tongue.

"His previous Dom was not qualified," She sits up this time, brown mahogany covers spilling down her body, bunching under her arms. I roll in my spot propping my head against my hand. "Ezra really worshiped him too, like he was some saint. In the end that asshole dumped him, and left Ezra with a lot of baggage. Which is why the sub's so clingy nowadays. He used to be so confident, fiery, and vibrant. Now he's all watered down and rough around the edges." She mumbles yawning right after.

"I think you're good for him though. Especially with your clean slate and inexperience. You take on more of a gentle dom, a caregiver of sorts and as of right now that's exactly what he needs. He needs a shoulder to lean on, someone he can empathize with, someone who can steer him in the right direction. And I'm confident you'll be qualified. Extremely qualified in fact. You've got a lot of training ahead of you, but I know for a fact, by the end of the month you'll be—" A shrill ringtone circulates through the room and Noma jumps up with crazy eyes and quick jittery movement. She snatches her phone up unlocking the screen. As the woman scans over the device. She looks up at me through her lashes then back down at the phone with a huh.

"What? What is it?" I ask. Noma scratches at her scalp.

"Well, Christian heard from Ophelia that Ezra's getting a punishment from Mistress Buchanan," She says tucking her hands under her armpits. "And apparently she's furious, like absolutely seething from Ezra's behavior. His punishment is two day's isolation." She whispers the last part, lifting a nail to her mouth to gnaw.

"Well in specifics, a two-day isolation from you."

"Oh?" And there's something unsettling about that.



My sleep schedule is like none existant. 🤦🏾‍♀️

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