Chapter 9

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*Izzy's POV *

I woke up the next day to Soda lightly shaking me.

"Morning, Izzy, it's 7:30 am we got an early start today,"

oh crap, that's right.

"I forgot," was all I managed to say, Soda laughed. I must have crashed on the Curtis sofa, the last thing I remembered is that Dally had walked me here after the movie and said goodnight.

"I left you a couple of pancakes, I'm just gonna take a quick shower. Grab some clothes if you need to," Soda smiled at me as he walked into the bathroom. I ate the pancakes and helped by doing the dishes. After Soda got out of the shower and I got changed we headed off to work. When we got to the DX it was really quite, it normally is when Soda and I have an early start which is good because it meant we could talk.

"So how was it?" Soda asked as he looked at me with a curious look across his face.

"It was good," I replied.

"Good, Is that all the explanation I get?" He looked at me stunned.

"No, of course not, Soda," after I said that Soda smiled a large ear to ear grin. I started by telling him about my right hook he loved that.

"Wow, you punched him?" Soda could stop laughing and as I thought about it more neither could I.

"Ok, let me get back to my story," I hushed soda and continue. Next, I told him about the waitress, and how Dally didn't even look at the piece of paper. All the way through Soda looked deeply interested and had little sound effects like:


"You're kidding."

"Oh damm." I couldn't help but smile at Sodas stupidity. Finally, I told him about Dally paying for me at the drive-in, and about the way he defended me against Bob.

"Well, Izzy, I think you like, Dally," Soda said bluntly.

"I do not!"

"Yeah Izz, you do, look I love you and that's why I'm telling you this, but the sooner you admit it to yourself, the better."

"Sodapop Curtis, I do not have feelings for, Dallas Winston!"

I began to feel angry.

"Ok, Izzy," Soda said.

I took off into the garage, it seemed like a lot of time had passed, I had just finished an oil change when Soda came in.

"Look, Izz, I'm sorry if I offended you before," I started to open my mouth but soda cut me off.

"You and Steve are my best friends, I don't want to see either of you getting hurt, I'm really happy things with you and Dally went well," he admitted.

"Awww, Soda, you didn't offend me I just reacted badly, I needed to hear what you had to say, I love you too!" I walked over and hugged Soda. My shift ended as Steve walked through the door,

"Hi Izzy, Hi Soda," Steve said as he walked out to the garage.

"I better get going, do you mind if I head back to yours and crash on the sofa?" I asked Soda.

"Nah go ahead, Izz doors always open," I smiled and thanked him. I started heading down the street, I could stop thinking about what Soda had said, maybe I do have feelings for Dally but what does that matter anyway? It's not like Dally had any for me. I had a block left until the Curtis house as a blue mustang stopped in front of me, Bob and three of his mates hopped out.

"Well, look at what we have here, the dumb grease who stuffed my car."

It was only about 4 in the afternoon and Bob smelt like he had been bathing in alcohol.

"Just leave me alone, Bob," I spat back at him. He smirked, unlike Dally's smirk, Bob's was cold and evil.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, you see you need a lesson, and we're here to teach you,"

as those last words left his mouth. My first thought was run but I was kicked in the gut before I had a chance, and I dropped to the ground.

"You see grease I think you need a good shutting up," I tried to reach for my switchblade but Bob reached into my pocket and pulled it out first. Before I knew it I was pinned to the ground, Bob pressed the blade of my switch against the side of my face.

"Don't have your bodyguard to protect you now, do ya?" I felt a sharp pain, which was followed by something hot running down the side of my face.

"I think a few more should do the trick," said Bob. This time the same sharp pain hit my side, I started to scream, the pain was unbearable.

"Shut her up!" I heard Bob say. I felt a blow to the side of my head, I must have past out because the next thing I knew I was lying on my side in the street, clutching my thigh in a pool of warm liquid.

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