Chapter 19

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*Izzy's POV *

It was time for Steve, Soda and I to lock up.

"Hey, you guys don't mind if I head to Bucks right?"

"Nah, Izzy, it's ok," Soda said

"Yeah, go on have fun with your boyfriend," Steve said as he playfully punched my shoulder.

"Thanks, guys," I yelled back and headed towards Bucks.

*At Bucks*

I was walking down Bucks drive and looked up, the sunset was red and orange making the sky look like it was on fire. Like Ponyboy, I admired sunsets, sometimes when I stayed over at his, we would climb onto the roof and watch them, until Darry would yell for him to get off the roof. I walked in the door and said hi to Buck who was behind the bar. His house was started to full with people, there must be a party tonight. Great, I thought to myself. I don't really like when Buck has parties because Dally normally gets drunk, and I overthink things too much. I headed up the stairs and opened the door to Dally's room. When I stepped inside I felt like something inside me shattered. Dally was there but so was someone else, at first I didn't know who it was they looked familiar but I couldn't get a good look.


He turned around and had a mortified look on his face, as he turned around I got a better look at the girl and couldn't believe it, it was the waitress from the first time Dally had taken me out.

"Izzy?" He said stumbling out of bed,

"It's not what it looks like."

My pain was quickly being replaced by rage.

"What is it then Dallas?" I yelled in his face

"Because to me, it looks like your having fun with another girl!"

"Well a-a it's a," he was struggling to speak.

I turned around to leave, but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around,

"Babe don't go, we can talk about this," He smashed his lips onto mine. Every part of my body was now enraged, I pushed him off of me and slapped him hard right in the face, my eyes were filling with tears.

"Don't ever touch me again! I hate you," I screamed and ran out of Bucks.

*Dally's POV*

I don't know what I was thinking, want had I done? Izzy had just slapped me and my face stung. She walked in and saw me with another girl I wanted to give her some time to cool off. The broad that walked over to me and said,

"Forget about her. Come on, let's get back to it,"

"No," I firmly spoke.

"What?" she was stunned.

"Fine, go back to that other slut," she said

"You don't ever call her that, get lost!" I yelled at her

"Fine sugar, your loss," she said as she walked out of my room.

I dropped on my bed, I'm an idiot I have to go find Isabella. 

*Izzy's POV *

I knew where I was heading, it was just dark outside. I was at the park that was close to the Curtis house when everything overwhelmed me. I dropped down onto the park bench and started bawling my eyes out, what did I do to deserve this, I hate Dally so much. I heard a car pull over and the sound of car doors opening, I quickly dried my tears and looked up, shit it was Bob.

"What happened to you, honey, do you need some help?" Bob wasn't being nice, I knew what he was thinking.

"Go to hell Bob, I'm not in the mood," I screamed at him

"Now, that's not a nice way to treat someone that wants to help you," he was now standing within a foot of me

"I don't care, you're a Soc and you know what all socs have in common?"

"What's that honey?" He asked now curious for my reply

"They're all assholes, with mustangs and no balls," I spat at him.

"Your dead girl," he snarled at me as he sprang to tackle me, I moved out the way and as he got up I punched him in the face, he fell back and I saw two more socs hop out the car.

"Get her!" I heard Bob say as he rose to his feet.

I pulled my switch from my pocket and the other socs backed up

"Take another step and I swear I will cut you," I screamed at them.

"We're not scared of you grease," Bob said. He was know on his feet,

"You won't cut us," he taunted at me.

"Try me, Bob!" I was still angry.

Bob lunged at me and I swiped at him with my switch. I felt something warm on my hand, it was blood!

I turned around to see Bob's arm was bleeding.

"You stupid bitch," he screamed at me

I forgot about the other two Soc,s they had now shoved me to my knees and ripped my switch from my hands, I tried to shake them off but they held me firmly in place, Bob was over me.

"Looks like your pinned," he laughed, blood was still pouring from his cut. He picked up my switch and held it to my throat, this is it I thought, this is how I'm going to die, I felt tears roll down my cheek.

"Awww, little grease is crying, don't worry we're not going to kill you," Bob moved the switch from my throat to the top of the scare on my face.

"How about we play a little doctor and reopen your scar?" I started to try and pull against the two Socs.

"Hold her still," Bob snapped.

He pressed the tip of the blade to the scare and started to reopen it, I let out a scream, but Bob muffled it with his hand. When Bob was finished he dropped the switch on the ground in front of me, I felt blood running down my face.

"There you go grease, now scram."

The other Socs let go of me. They all hopped back into the Mustang and drove off. I picked up my switch and ran to the Curtis house.

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