Chapter 17

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*Izzy's POV *

I felt like yesterday was a dream, until I woke up in Dally's arms. I didn't want to wake him up he looked so peaceful when he slept, I closed my eyes and pulled the covers up when I felt a soft kiss on top of my head.

"Morning babe," Dally still had his eyes closed

"Hey, sorry didn't mean to wake you," I whispered

"Don't be sorry," he replied.

"What ya want to do, Dally?"

"Just stay here with you," he held me a little tighter.

" I do too, but I need to go see Two," I tried to wriggle out of Dally's hold, but he wouldn't budge

"He can wait, Izzy,"

"The longer we wait, the more annoyed he will probably be when we tell him," I remind Dally.

"Urghhhhhhh, fine," he groaned releasing me.

I turned around and kissed him before heading to the bathroom to change. When I returned to the bedroom he was still in bed, so I grabbed a pillow and hit him over his head.

He looked at me and grinned,

"Your gonna pay for that," he jumped up. I tried to run for the door, but he picked me up from behind and spun me around. I let out a squeal and then he dropped onto the bed with me still in his arms, we laughed.

*At the Curtis house *

*Two-Bits POV*

Izzy had gone out with Dally yesterday, then later called to say that she was going to spend the night with him. The idea of Izzy spending the night with Dally bugged me, sure he was a good mate but he had a reputation with girls, I didn't want Izzy to just be another girl he could tick off his list. I swear if he treated her like that I would knock his lights out.

"Sup Two!" Izzy said as she burst through the door, Dally followed in behind her something was different, but I didn't quite know what.

*Izzy's POV *

Dally and I arrived at the Curtis house.

"What do we do?" I asked

"Just act normal babe. We don't have to tell then until your ready," Dally was being so kind that it gave me the confidence I needed.

I burst through the door, Two-Bit was sitting on the sofa.

"Sup Two!" I greeted him.

Dally followed me into the house.

I wanted to reach back and hold his hand desperately, but I contained myself.

Soda bounced into the room,

"How was the drive? "

"It was nice to get out of the house, " I replied to Soda's question.

I looked around to see that the rest of the gang was there as well.

"Anything happened? " Steve asked

"Yeah, did anything happen?" Two raised his eyebrow when he asked.

I started to second guess my thoughts, then Dally slipped his hand into mine and our fingers laced. Everyone looked at us with wide eyes, especially Two.

"Yes, something did," I simply replied. Two looked at us down at our hand,

"You guys are dating!?" Two seemed to be struggling to speak.

"Yes, we are," Dally said strongly

"I knew it. I knew you had feelings for him," Steve said happily as he realised his accusation was right.

Two stood up and I prepared for a thunderstorm, but he walked over to Dally and I and said,

"Congratulations, and Dally if you ever hurt my sister, or you do you know what, I will hunt you down and kick your ass all the way back to New York, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Two," Dally said smiling.

"Well, how about some cake?" Darry suggested

"Yes!" Everyone said.

Darry brought the cake into the lounge and we each got a piece. We all sat down to watch TV, Darry was in his armchair, Pony and Johnny were on the floor, Steve and Soda pulled up two chairs from the dining room table and I sat in Dally's lap next to Two-Bit on the sofa. Everything was perfect and I was happy.

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