Chapter 8

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*Dally's POV *

Izzy took her last sip of Coke when I said,

"Want to get going?"

"Sure," she said in return.

We walked out of Dingo's and headed towards the drive-in. She sure did look fine tonight, but I didn't tell her that, Izzy has been like my sister for a long time now, she's always been so supportive and easy to talk to, but I couldn't love her more than a sister could I? Sure she's a pretty girl and all, but I just don't think I could see her another way. When we reached the drive-in she headed towards the gap in the fence that we always go through but I grabbed her waist and pulled her back,

"I'm paying tonight,"

I was even a little shocked that I said that, but what the hell, I was happy to pay for Izzy.

*Izzy's POV *

As we approached the drive-in I headed towards or normal entrance, it was a gap in the old wire fence, but as I did I felt dally grab my waist and said,

"I'm paying tonight,"

I was pretty shocked to hear Dally say that he was going pay for us to get in, but I'll just pay him back later.

"You sure?" I managed to force out.

"Yeah dol, I'm sure,"

after we got in we saw the gang in our usual spot, Dally and I walked over and sat down.

"Hey guys," Ponyboy blurted out as we sat down.

"Hey Pony," I smiled back at him.

"You guys missed Izzy giving Bob a run for his money today at the station," Soda told the rest of the gang.

"Hey, I gave him a talking to, he deserved it,"

"Don't worry Izz, we know, you were great though," Steve chimed in.

"Was pretty tuff," Dally added.

"Come on, Izz, why did you have to do that? You know what Bob can do," Two exclaimed.

"Come on, Two," I complained.

"He had it coming, it not like fists were involved,"

"Yeah, but knowing you they might as well have been!"

"Come on Two, brighten up. She just gave him a taste of his own medicine," Steve said in my defence.

"Whatever, Steve, she's my little sister, I don't want to see her hurt."

Sometimes Two bothers me when he acts like that, I know he's just worried about me and all, but sometimes I wished he would just say nothing.

I turned to Dally,

"Let's go get some popcorn, does anyone want anything?"

"Yes!" everyone said at once.

"We'll just get a bunch of stuff," I responded.

"Ok," they all replied at different times.

Dally and I walked over and waited in the queue for the popcorn, as we did Bob started to approach us,

"This is going to be fun," I said to Dally.

"Well, if it isn't two greasy greasers," Bob didn't bother to hide the disgust in his voice.

"Want do you want Bob?" I replied trying to sound as rude as possible.

"Just some payback for today, didn't think I would forget that quickly did ya?" the smell of alcohol was thick on Bob's breath, he was drunk. 

"Just leave before you make a mistake," Dally said stepping in front of me.

"Ohhh, little grease ain't tough enough so she has to have a bodyguard," Bob taunted me.

"No, she doesn't" Dally answered before I could.

"We just want to get some food and enjoy the movie, so I think it best you be going,"  Bob looked right at me.

"Just watch yourself little grease, you have it coming!"

after he delivered his message, he left.

"Thanks, Dal, you didn't have to do that, I can handle them,"

he turned around,

"I know you can, Izzy, but you can't have all the glory in one day," he smiled that devilish smile.

"Thanks, Dal, just don't tell Two what happened,"

"I won't," he promised.

With that, we got the food and went back to the gang.

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