Chapter 15

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*Izzy's POV *

"We're about 20 minutes away," Dally told me.

"Cool," I coldly replied. I felt bad because I saw the pained look on his face, but I knew it would soon be replaced by nothing, as Dally would start to get defensive.

*Dally's POV *

I took a big drag of my cancer stick and blew the smoke into Izzy's face, then starts coughing, she was coughing a lot, I was real worried.

"Izzy, Izzy, are you ok?" I was frantically asking her, she just started laughing!

"It's not funny," I told her, but she still was laughing she let out another cough and a harsh look for pain appeared on her face,

"You hurting?" I asked. I was generally considered, it mustn't have come across that way because she just snapped at me,

"I'm fine."

I tried to cheer her up by telling her how far away we are, but her reply was ice cold. I was hurting, but I wasn't gonna show it, and I wasn't gonna snap at her. Like Johnny, I had a soft spot for, Izzy, I mean how could I not, I love her and I was finally ready to admit it.

*Izzy POV *

Dally stopped the car by some park and said

"We're here," I was still annoyed at him. Before I hopped out of the car I got another cigarette and rummaged around for a lighter, all without saying a word. I finally found one in the glove box and lit the cigarette, Dally just stared at me with disbelief.

"What?" I looked at him then got out of the car. I noticed that there was no one around, but the park, and a forest that looked huge. I walked over to the park and plopped myself down on a swing, still smoking my cigarette. Dally walked over and sat on another swing next to me, I finished my cigarette then put it out. 

"I'm sorry," Dally said looking at me.

"Sorry, you're sorry!" I scoffed and jumped up off the swing, I was too angry to care about the pain that had just jolted up my side.

"You drove me out here, got angry with me for laughing, didn't talk to me for at least 15 minutes, and now your sorry!" I had completely lost my cool.

"Yeah," Dally started to say.

"No Dallas!" I yelled back at him.

That was it, Dally snapped,

"You know what, Isabella? I was actually worried about you," he was now standing up, right in front of me.

"I care about you a lot, the other night when you were in pain I wanted to do nothing but be there for you!" I cut him off,

"Oh yeah, why's that Dally? because you think I can't handle it, you think I'm fragile!"

"No, Isabella. It's because I love you!"

I froze, I felt so embarrassed and for the first time, I saw a look of pain on Dally's face.

"What?" Was all I could manage, I was lost for words. 

"I love you, Isabella Mathews, and not like a sister," he was looking down at her feet when he said it.

"I love you too, Dallas," I blurted out, confused he looked up, stepped forward, and kissed me, I didn't resist and kissed him back.

We pulled away at the same time he just looked at me.

"Dallas?" I said.

"Yeah?" he gazed at me

"Can I apologize?"

"No, you can't," he replied,

"Why not?" I questioned,

"Because, you still haven't accepted my apology," he faintly smiled.

"I accept your apology," I said proudly

"Really, am I let off the hook that easy?" He said uncertainty.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Ok. I accept your apology too, I have a question," he smiled

"What is the question?" I asked.

He lent over and whispered in my ear,

"Isabella Mathews, will you be my girl?"

I moved my head and kissed him again more passionately than last time.

I pulled away with our faces just inches away and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Is that a good enough answer?" I grinned.

The Outsiders: Isabella Mathews Unexpected LoveWhere stories live. Discover now