Chapter 18

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2 months later

*Izzy's POV *

2 months Dally and I have now been dating, I have never been so happy in my life, Dally means so much to me, and after the way, things started between us he had been nothing but supportive and caring. Finally, all the cuts and bruises, Bob and his mates had given me have healed, the only evidence I have that I got jumped is a faint white line down the side of my face. No one but Dally ever sees the scars on my leg and side, whenever he sees me staring in the mirror for too long at the scares he tells me I look beautiful.

*Dally's POV *

Izzy is amazing, I love how tuff she is and god she's hot, but she doesn't think she is because of those scars Bob gave her. I can tell that when she looks in the mirror she is reminded of that night, and it hurts me because all I can think about is how I wasn't there sooner. Having to see her body lying there lifeless was unbearable.

*Izzy's POV *

It's good to be back at work with Steve and Soda, I don't see them that often anymore, because most nights I'm with Dally at Bucks talking about things and doing other stuff.


Dally and I had been dating for about 1 month and a bit when one night we were watching a movie in bed when I took a chance. I lifted my head off of Dally's chest and kissed him, it wasn't like a kiss we would normally have, it was more demanding, I have never done 'it' before. I was kind of hoping Dally would take the lead if I gave him a little push. He didn't resist when I kissed him, I felt his hand move up my thigh. Then he pulled back.

"Wait, are you sure this is what you want?" He questioned

"Yes, I'm sure," I replied

"I love you, Dallas," that was the first time I had said that since the day we had gone for the drive.

He grinned,

"I love you too, Isabella!"

We had an amazing night, I knew that night was something I would never tell Two about.


"How are you and Dally going?" Steve asked from under the car we were fixing.

"Great actually, thanks, Steve. What about you, any girl I should know about?" I passed him a wrench

"No, that's Soda, not me," he chuckled.

"What!?" I yelled.

"Sodapop Curtis, is there something you need to tell me?" I said as I stormed up to the counter.

"What is it, Izzy?" He said playing dumb.

"Is there something you need to tell me," I repeated myself.

"Thanks, Steve," Soda called

"It's all good, Soda, " I heard Steve call back

"I'm waiting," I said impatiently

"Ok, Izzy," Soda said,

"Her name is, Sandy,"

"Is that all I get? that her name is Sandy," I knew I sounded disappointed.

"No, would you let me finish?" Soda said laughing.

He started to go red as he talked about her.

"She's real pretty, funny and smart, she came into the store last week while you went here. We started talking we hit it off right away, I hope you like her, Izzy,"

"Oh, Soda, I know I will listen to the way you talk about her!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you, Izz!" He jumped up and gave me a hug.

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