Chapter 22

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*Izzy's POV *

Dally and I walked back inside to see the gang, everyone was in the living room.

"That's it, you forgave him?" Two-bit said annoyed.

"She didn't let me off easy," Dally said.

"You got that right," I said wrapping my arms around Dally's waist.

"Fine," Two sighed.

"But I swear Winston, do something like that again, and I definitely won't let you off easy," Two protectively said.

I laughed,

"Ok Two, we get it."

Everyone laughed. We decided that after our eventful day that we would have one big 'sleepover' at the Curtis house, it was great. I laid with Dally the whole-time and he played with my hair.

1 Year Later

*Izzy's POV*

It was another day at the station with Soda and Steve. Things with Dally were going great, after a year I think Two had finally forgiven him for what happened that night. My scar was also well in truly healed.


A month or so after the incident, I was at the counter covering for Soda when Bob came in. He had short sleeves on, I saw a significant white scare that ran down the side of his arm, from the middle his bicep, to his wrist. Surely I didn't do that, but I don't know.


I was in the garage at the shop under a car when I accidentally busted a pipe. Grease spray everywhere, I got drenched.

"Shit, ah," I was yelling  and cussing when Soda called out,

"Someone's at the counter for you, do you want them to come out the back?"

"No," I frantically yelled back. I rolled out from under the car

and grabbed a rag trying to wipe some of the grease off my face. I walked up to the counter to see who Soda was talking about.

"Well, don't you look extra greased up today, princess," Dally was grinning at me, I threw the rag at him.

"Shut up, I busted a pipe under the car,"

Soda laughed and I gave him a look of, if you don't zip it I will hurt you. he immediately stopped laughing.

"So, why are you here, babe?" I turned my attention back to Dally.

"Well... I wanted to ask you a question," he said sheepishly

"Shoot," I said, jumping up to sit on the counter.

"Ok, well. Izzy, you have been there for me throughout every choice I have made. The last year and a bit of my life has been filled with happiness because of you. You bring out a better side of me, and I love you more than you know," he got down on one knee and pulled out a black box.

"No way," I was in shock, my hand flew up covering my mouth

"Isabella Mathews, will you do me the honour, and forever be my girl?"

"Yes," I said at once

"Yes, I will!" I jumped off the counter and with such force that I bowled him over, and we were both on the floor laughing.

"Wait," I quickly sat up.

"What will Two say?"  I was going into full overthink Izzy mode.

"He approves," Dally declared.

"What," I said in doubt.

"I asked him last week, he approves," Dally explain

"He helped me choose the ring as well,"

"Oh," I was still shocked

"Can I?" Dally asked lifting my left hand

"Of course," I replied.

Dally slid the ring onto my finger.

"I love you, Dallas Winston."

"I love you too, Isabella Mathews."

He grinned at me with that devilish grin and I knew, he would always be mine.

The Outsiders: Isabella Mathews Unexpected LoveWhere stories live. Discover now