"Fuck!" She said them punched the wall, leaving a dent. After that she looked so defeated. She looked up at me with the saddest eyes. While she stood in the broken glass. Her hand was now dripping blood.

I walked over to her calmly and wrapped my arms around her. She cried. I let her.

"I didn't know." She said through tears. "I swear I didn't." I rubbed her back, kissing her forehead.

"Hey, baby it's okay. We're going to figure it out okay? I just need you to get it all out. We'll fix it." I said while she cried harder in my arms

"I'm so fucked up, my life is just fucked up." She cried to me and I just rubbed her back and kissed her head while squeezing her tighter into my embrace.

"It's not, everybody has their problems. Nobody's life is perfect. Your going to have problems and trials that you go through. It's only to make you stronger." Her grip on my t-shirt got tighter as she cried harder. "It's going to be okay baby, trust me. It was a mistake, he understands that. You were put in a fucked up position Bey, and you did what you thought was best. There is nothing wrong with that." She looked up at me with tear filled eyes.

I kissed her forehead. And she still stared at me.

"Jay what do I do?" She said with tears rolling down her face. She had the saddest look on her face. I hated seeing her like this. If I could do anything to take her pain away I would.

Im going to do anything in my power to make sure she's happy

"Your going to do what you know need to do. Which is confront it and be as honest as you can. Your going to hold your head up high and your going to take this step by step. And I'm going to be right next to you the whole time." She looked at me as I wiped her tears.

"Okay?" I asked holding her shoulders looking her in her eyes to assure her that everything is going to be okay.

"Okay." She said nodding she wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist"I love you." She whispered in my ear

"I love you." I said squeezing her tighter when we finally let go, she picked up her phone and called somebody.

"Who is that?" I asked while taking my shoes off

"My dad, I'm about to invite him over so we can talk." She said confidently and I nodded

As soon as She started talking to him I heard blue cry, I got up and walked into her room seeing her squirm in her crib. I picked my baby up and she instantly stopped crying. I kissed her little forehead and stroked her cheek. As I did that she grabbed my thumb making me smile. She really doesn't know how spoiled she's going to be, and already is. I have so much love i want to give her and show her. I'll protect her, Beyoncé, and Ky with my life.

I know her face would cheer Bey up because she can't help but to smile every time she sees her. I walked back towards our room and Bey was ending the conversation with her back turned to me.

"Okay dad, see you in a few." She said then hung up throwing her phone on the bed.

"Bey, look." I said and she turned around, her eyes were so red, and puffy. But as soon as she looked down in my arms they lit up.

"Hey blue blueee." She said taking her out of my hands. She kissed her forehead and blue did a little smile that showed her dimple.

"I see that dimple baby, just like mine." She said speaking softly and rubbing her nose against Blue's. She did a little baby noise and Bey chuckled. "I hear you mama." She said kissing her cheeks.

I went down stairs to check on everybody. Kelly had the kids at the table eating with Ryan and Kyre helping.

"Jayjay, why BB cry?" Ava asked while eating

"Bb was sad, she's okay now though, you wanna see her?" I asked and she nodded and reached her arms out for me to pick her up. The other kids were paying no attention they were so focused on eating but Ava is so attentive she probably saw Bey and knew she was sad.

I picked her up and took her to Bey, she was still in our room with blue. When we walked in there Ava wiggled down and made me let go of her then she walked over to Bey.

"TT, you okay? Uncle jayjay said you sad." She said touching her knees because she was sitting down holding blue on the edge of the bed.

"I'm a little sad right now baby, but I'll be okay." Ava climbed on the bed next to her and kissed blue on the forehead. Then snuggled up to Bey.

Bey looked down at her and smiled then kissed her forehead.

"I hope you feel better TT, I love you." She said laying her little head on beys arm.

"Thank you baby, I love you too. You make me happy." She said smiling at her.

I went downstairs to check on everybody and they were all talking, but I didn't see Mrs.Tina. I looked around for her then went to her bedroom, which was one of our guest bedrooms. I knocked and heard sniffles and quiet cries.

"Mrs.Tina,can I come in?" I said as I knocked again

"Come in!!" She said and as I walked in I saw her trying to wipe away her tears and I felt myself h

"What happened? Did he do something to you? Because I swear to god I'll-

I said before she cut me off

"No jay, it's just too many memories flooding my mind. When I saw him, it triggered something. Things that I wanted to forget, things that I can't stomach." She said shaking her her head while wiping her tears

"He can't do anything to you now, because just like I'm protecting Beyoncé and our kids, I'm protecting you too. Because we're family. And if your not comfortable with him coming here I can-

"No no, it's okay. I want to know the truth. I want Beyoncé to know the truth. We're both just confused about the whole situation. Even though I lived through it, I tried to disconnect myself from it. So let him come." She said and I nodded

"Okay, I'll let you know when he gets here." I said while walking out the door to give her privacy

"Wait jay!" She yelled and I turned around

"Thank you for taking care of my babies. I really appreciate it." She said in a loving tone

I smiled, "you don't have to thank me, I'd protect them with my life." I said then left

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