Ch 1

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April 4th, 2010
Manhattan , New York
10 years later

Shit!Shit!Shit! I cursed myself out in my head. I'm about to be 15 minutes late to work. Even though I know I'm about to be late, I still can't break my schedule. I hurriedly slipped on my heals then grabbed my purse and walked out of the door then locked my house up. I pressed the unlock button to my Mercedes Benz. That's my baby, well I have a couple of others but she's my favorite. Once I got into the car I did a double take in the mirror and pulled out of the drive way and headed to my favorite café. It wasn't very popular but it was my favorite. Once I got there I ordered my usual then want to go sit down until they called my name. I pulled out my gold iPhone 6plus and answered a few emails then played a few games.

"Bey! Jay!" I herd my name and someone else's being called I got up and walked over to the counter and put my phone down next to my hot chocolate while I grabbed my creams and sugars. Then a man came next to me and did the exact same thing. Then he pour and mixed like I did. I shrugged it off and grabbed my phone then walked out side to my car. Then I headed to work. When I arrived to the hospital I immediately went to my office while saying my hellos by waving and smiling to everyone I came in contact with. Then I finally made it to my office where I went into my bathroom, and put my scrubs on. Then I put my Nike slides on, I know it's unprofessional but I need to be as comfortable as possible to give 110% at my job.

As soon as I sat down Kelly bust into my office with out knocking but I'm used to it so it didn't really bother me. She's been doing that ever since we shared a dorm at Howard even when we shared a bathroom. She was one of my bestfriends more like my sister. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. But she was also my partner in crime at the hospital during surgeries and what not.

"Hey bey." She said then flopped down on my couch. That's where we rested when we weren't on call. I said hey back while she began to dose off, this girl. Work haven't even started and she already sleepy.

"Girl, who dick you hopping on that got you this tired?" I asked and laughed and she just chuckled and smirked. Kelly is the opposite of me. She's very social, she loves to go out and have fun, she has a couple of bodies, and she's not shy to be herself. Compared to me being very anti-social, I sit cooped up in the house all day until she drags me out of it, I have never had sex willingly, and I'm a very shy person. But I still love her and would never judge her, because she was there for me when I needed her the most and I will always be there for her. I met her when I moved in with my mom, she lived right across the street from us.

"Well it was this one guy I've been talking to for a while, and I don't know bey, I really like him. I held out as long as I could but last night he wore me the fuck out. And you know I got some good ass stamina." I laughed at that because it's true, she used to be on the track team. "His name is Tim, and I think he's the right match for me." She said and smiled and I awwed

"You know I support you 110% just let me meet him before anything gets serious." I said because he last boyfriend ended up abusing her and I knew from the beginning he was a little off, I even told Kelly but she didn't believe me until it actually happened. I called her cause I felt like something was wrong and she was on the floor and he took her keys. I begged her to leave and when she told me she couldn't, I called my older brother to come beat his ass and we never seen him again. My brother is like her brother so of course he came through.

"I know bey I know." Just as soon as she stopped talking my pager rung and I hurried to room 444. Leaving Kelly in my office. If you can't tell by now we're both OG/BYN's
And we both graduated together and came to the same hospital. Anyways I went into the room and saw a woman going into labor with a man that resembled he looks next to her holding her hand. I put my face mask on then waned my hands and put two pairs of gloves on then walked over to her.

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