Ch 8

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Beys POV
A couple months later

After about 3 days of off time, I was back at work. Today I was working a 10-10 shift and forgot my wallet. I hated the cafeteria food, even though they sold good stuff. I just didn't like the fact that it's made in a hospital.

It was 30 more minutes until my break, but going to my house would take too long considering it's would be traffic there and back since everybody is getting out of school and work. I rolled my eyes and put my head down. On my desk until my beeper ring. I got up and went to room 318, all they wanted was for their IB to be changed so I called the nurse and told her to change it then went back to my office. I laid on the couch while my stomach just growled. I was so hungry, I didn't even stop at the cafe today because I was running too late.

Right when I shut my eyes my phone rang in my pocket. I grabbed it and looked at it. Swing jays contact made me smile, I answered before it was too late.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey Baby girl, what you doing at 4?" He asked and I blushed at him calling me that then sighed

"Well it was supposed to be my lunch break but I left my wallet at home." I said irritably

"Good, I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to Chick-fil-A across the street since I'm down here on me." He said and I smiled

"I would love to go!" I said after my stomach growled again

"Okay meet me there as soon as your break starts I'll be waiting." He said and I nodded

"Okay thanks baby." I said and hung up smiling . One because he's getting me food and two because I get to see him. I haven't seen him in about a week but we have been FaceTiming each other everyday. We even fell asleep on the phone once. He still doesn't know that he's my first male interest but I'll tell him soon. I think I really like him but I don't know, I don't want to give him all of me because it's something in the back of my head telling me he'll just hurt me in the end.

As soon as the clock hit 4 I clocked out and went to my car and drove to Chick-fil-A. It only took 2 minutes to get there, when I got out the car and walked in. I saw jay sitting in a booth in the corner on his phone with untouched food in front of him. I walked over to him and got behind him so he couldn't see me. I put my hands on his eyes.

"Guess whoo." I said in an excited voice

"Brianna?" He said and I scrunched up my face and rose my eyebrow. "Listed I done told yo ass that baby ain't mine now get yo damn ha-

I smacked him in the back of his head

"Ouch girl I was just playing." He said while I stood in front of him with my arms crossed

"I'm not messing with anybody else but you, I promise." He said and I let him grab my hand and pull me on his lap making me straddle him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips a couple times

"You look gorgeous in scrubs baby." He said, his hands slid down to my butt and I blushed then got up to sit on the other side before we got kicked out.

"Thank you. Is this for me?" I asked pointing at the stuff I would usually get and he nodded his head. I said thank you and put some hand sanitizer on then dug in. While I was eating jay ate and asked me questions about my day while I ate and answered and did the same with him.

"So can I come over tonight? I just want to chill with you." He said and I shrugged

"I don't really care, if you want to. But I don't get off until 10 then I get back home at 10:30. You can get in with the key under the rock next to my flower pot in front of the front door. If you want to go earlier than me, just don't go through my shit." I said and he nodded

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