Adam and Blob

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I woke up rubbing my eyes as the alarm I didn't set went off. I let out a big yawn and finally dragged myself out of bed. I looked to what clothes were set out for me and surprised to find a note instead. I shuffled to the counted and picked it up. It read Dear Dagger, your clothes are in the drawers. Please pick something out and come to the room with the screens. We need to begin trial 2 in two hours. "Does that mean I only got four hours of sleep?" I said to no one but myself. "Whatever" I mumbled and changed into a red shirt with black pants and walked out of my room and to the screening room.

I burst open the door letting out a groan causing people to look over at me. Janson was the first to react. "It's nice to see you up already Amy."


"Oh, yes, Dagger." He motioned for me to follow him again. He handed me a sheet paper "we need this in an hour."

I glanced at the paper and read it. I looked at him narrowing my eyes. "I'm not doing this."

"You have to."

"I don't have to do anything" I snapped feeling rebellion building up inside of me.

"Oh come on it's not asking a lot."'

"It's asking for me to make a whole new Griever to kill innocent people. Not only am I not doing it. You haven't given me enough time to even think about it."

"We don't have you to think, we have you to work now get to it." He snapped looking at me.

"Fine!" I screamed and walked over grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. I didn't even bother going into my working room. I drew a circle on the paper and wrote the word SILVER in big letters on the orb. I walked over "here it is Rat Man."

He glanced down "what the hell is this?"

"It's your next Griever don't you just love it?"

He looked down at the paper studying it for a second. "This is worthless."

"Don't be a dumbass" I growled "make it hard. Make it. I don't care. You asked me to do something so I did."

He rolled his eyes and walked away writing somethings down. I only caught a glimpse of it but I saw it say: It's happening again.

I shook it off and shrugged getting back to work. I walked back to the room with the new Griever I had to make. I started actually putting some stuff together. I put certain blades in the arms and fingers along with the legs. I added the orbs to the body and and finally finished adding the final touches. I grabbed a circuit that I randomly had in one of the boxes in my room. I zapped the Griever and watched as it came to life. It let out a loud inhuman groan and turned towards me. I smiled and waved. It retracted the blades it had and waved back "Oh my gosh that's adorable" I laughed and touched the creature.

I heard a small quiet beep meaning that someone was trying to open the door. "Shut down" I whispered and the creature shut down into sleep mode. The door was flung open and Kevin stood there holding the piece of paper that I gave to Janson. "What are you doing here?" I asked looking the man.

"We need you to build the Griever for todays test. We only need one and then we can start copying. You have 15 minutes."

"I said NO!"

He looked impatient and stepped further into the room coming closer to me handing me the piece of paper that now had adjustments and scribbles on it.

"Just do as you're told Test 563."

"Is that an insult?"

"I'm sick of your crap, just get to work before we make you."

I was taken back by the comment "what are you talking about?" I said my voice weaker than before.

He smirked and tapped the side of his head then left the room. I stared blankly at the door before talking a deep breath and turning back around to look at the Griever "power on."

The bulbs lit up again and it looked at me. I smiled and turned my head to the side looking back down at the piece of paper. "Do you like the name John?"

It shook it's head.

"How about Adam?"

It nodded.

I smiled "do you want to help me make this thing, I'm going to call it Blob?"

It nodded and I smiled "then come on Adam, let's get to work."

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