What Do You Mean I'm A Test?

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I looked at the doctor who still wouldn't tell me her name, all she told me was that I was going to stay here for a while and that and I quote "WICKED is good."

She had someone show me around, and I saw that they were running some tests a a boy and a girl, I raised an eyebrow, "who are they?" I asked the man who was giving me the tour around.

"There names are Thomas and Teresa."

"Why are they being tested on?"

"Because they will be going into the maze."

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Because we can trust you."

My eyes widened but then filled with confusion "what are you talking about, you just met me, how could you possible know that you can trust me?"

He smile and opened his mouth to say something but closed it when the blond woman started approaching us.

"It's because Amy Heart, you are just a test."

My breath hitched in my throat, my head started to pound "what do you mean I'm a test?" I asked in a small voice, "are you telling me that I'm not. . . Human?"

The woman paused for a second, thinking that's not a good sign I thought staring at her "yes, you are but, you were fixed by WICKED."

"What's WICKED?" I asked very confused by everything that was going on right now.

"WICKED stands for World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department, and you were an experiment for group A, you had chips implanted into your neck so the monsters they call Grievers wouldn't attack you."

This was all to much right now "I. . . I think I need to sit down."

She nods "as expected" she called for a worker to bring me to a room where I could rest, as he was walking me away down the hall again, I remember the woman who I found out was named Ava say something, "and remember WICKED is good."

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