Meant to be a Runner

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~Minho's POV~

I looked at Dagger as she walked away, "what are you doing?" I asked as she walked farther away.

She didn't answer me, she just walked over to the builders. I was confused about what she was talking about with the builders. She looked like she was somewhat yelling at them and then he walked away grabbing Alby, Dagger sighed and went under the hut, I felt something, I was a little afraid for her so I stood up and walked over. What am I doing? I thought as I got closer was that really the reason I didn't want her to be a runner? I thought remembering I told her that I couldn't trust her but was it just that I didn't want her to get hurt and I didn't want to tell her.

I shook my head looking at her as she came out from underneath the building.

"Apparently I wasn't meant to be a runner" she told me after Alby said that she was meant to be a builder.

"No, you were meant to be a runner" I said before walking away. Why did I say that? I thought sighing as I walked farther away.

I stopped looking up realizing I walked to the doors of the maze. I looked in wondering where the runners were, they should've been back by now but it didn't matter, we weren't aloud to go after them anyways. I turned back around and started walking to the middle of the camp, "maybe I just need some water to clear my thoughts" I said to myself taking in a deep breath, at least that's what I'll keep telling myself for now.

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